Love conquers the flame of fire "Vicka's severe burn"

Sister Elvira says: “Tuesday 26 April. In the kitchen of the Vicka house, Vicka's mother had left a pan with oil in the stove; Vicka's sister, without knowing anything, lit the stove as usual, which soon afterwards emanated a lot of smoke. Around 13:XNUMX pm the mother comes in from outside, opens the oven, takes some water and throws it into the oven which catches fire. The flames invade the house, burning the curtains. Vicka, who was talking to pilgrims in the courtyard, runs into the house and, seeing her grandchildren in the smoke and flames, throws herself into the flames and takes them away. Vicka burned her whole face and mother's hand a little less. As they take them to the hospital in Mostar - her sister Anna told me - Vicka sang: “Maria.,. Maria… ”And the mother commented; "She's crazy, but how can she sing?" Even the doctors of Mostar, who did not know where to put their hand when they saw Vicka so reduced but smiling and still singing, commented: "But this girl is crazy!".

When I watched her on the pain bed after her return home, Vicka would tell me; "Elvira, it is easy to sing when you are well, but it is so much more beautiful to sing when you are suffering". In those days I touched the strength of the girl's faith amidst atrocious sufferings. Vicka never complained in the slightest. I was close to her for 8 days and I read so much joy in her even though in so much suffering… It was the strength that comes from love; truly death is swallowed up by love. Virtually Vicka's face had become black as coal, her eyes were almost no longer visible, but they remained as two dots, however bright and full of light, full of smiles; her lips were protruding swollen. Vicka had become unrecognizable. However, she never complained. Never! She was almost happy to be able to offer God something. He said to me: “It is God who wants it like this, and that's it”. And I repeated to her: "... but why just you, why just in these days when we had a little program to do with you, which thus went awry ?!" But she: “Elvira, it doesn't matter. If He wanted it like this, that's okay. I never ask the Lord why, because He knows what is good for me ”. It was truly a suffering accepted with love.

For a week she was blindfolded all over her face and treated with cabbage leaves. In fact, there they use to treat burns like this: with a cream, made by an old woman, derived from a fat and chopped cabbage leaves. However, that cream gave beautiful, astounding results. After a week I had to clean Vicka's face, literally peeling it and I would say to her: “Vicka, this is not ready but I have to pull anyway”. And she: "Nema problem ... You hurry, not bad ... You don't worry." I confess that instead of Vicka's face I saw her heart. It seemed to me that I saw a woman full of love that I no longer felt physical pain. Usually, if we get a little sunburn, we feel pain day and night. She burned her whole face, whole hand and half arm, nothing!

Later people came, they wanted to see her ... I said to myself: "Vicka will not show herself like that because she looks like a monster" ... Instead she, all blindfolded, always ran as soon as she heard people. A 23-year-old girl who knows how to overcome herself like this ...

Vicka (Sister Elvira continues) confided to me that that day, at the moment of the apparition, she was unable to kneel, because she was in bed. Then Our Lady appeared to her, sat next to her, put her hand like this ... on her head, caressed her ... That day Our Lady and Vicka did not speak to each other, they just looked into each other's eyes and that's it, It's was the only apparition in 7 years in which there was no dialogue. Basically I think - Sister Elvira says - Our Lady did not know why God sent this. I think that the will of God is sometimes hidden even from Our Lady. I deduce it - continues Sister Elvira - from the expressions of the other visionary Marija Pavlovic: "Our Lady said: -God allowed me" ... My God granted ... ". Marija said: “Our Lady continues to come among us and asks the Father to come down to earth every day because he wants us to be convinced of his immense love, but above all of God's immense love for us. If we knew - Our Lady said - how much God the Father loves us, we will cry for joy, we would practically be blessed ”. We have seen this bliss in Vicka - Sister Elvira says - although in so much tribulation. Yes, the authenticity of these girls is evident in the moment of the cross, in the moment of trial.