Easter Monday: the beautiful prayers to say on Easter Monday



I want to repeat you today, my Lord, the same words that others have already said to you. The words of Mary of Magdala, the woman thirsting for love, not resigned to death. And he asked you, while he could not see you, because the eyes cannot see what the heart truly loves, where you were. God can be loved, cannot be seen. And he asked you, believing you were the gardener, where you had been placed.

To all the gardeners of life, which is always the garden of God, I too would like to ask where they put the Beloved God, crucified for love.

I would also like to repeat the words of the brown shepherdess, that of the Song of Songs heated or burned by your love, because your love warms and burns and heals and transforms, and she said to you, while she did not see you but loved you and felt you beside: "Tell me where you lead your flock to graze and where you rest in the moment of great heat."

I know where you lead your flock. I know where you go to rest in the moment of great heat. I know that you called me, elected, justified, gratified.

But I cultivate the sincere desire to come to you by trampling on your footsteps, loving your silence, looking for you when oxen or the storm rages. Don't let me stagger on the waves of the sea. I could totally sink.

I would also like to cry out with Mary of Magdala: “Christ, my hope is risen. He precedes us in the Galilee of the Gentiles "And I will come to you, running, to see you and say to you:" My Lord, my God ".


May the sacrifice of praise rise to the paschal victim today. The lamb has redeemed his flock, the Innocent has reconciled us sinners with the Father. Death and Life met in a prodigious duel. The Lord of life was dead; but now, alive, it triumphs. "Tell us, Maria: what did you see on the way?". “The tomb of the living Christ, the glory of the risen Christ, and his angels witnesses, the shroud and his clothes. Christ, my hope, is risen; and precedes you in Galilee. " Yes, we are sure: Christ is truly risen. You, victorious King, bring us your salvation.


Give us, O Lord, to begin a new life in the sign of the resurrection of your Son. Grant that we do not listen to ourselves, our feelings, our habits, our fears, but that we allow ourselves to be invaded by that fullness of Spirit, the gift of Easter, which you spread in the resurrection of your Son, in baptism, in the Eucharist and in the sacrament of reconciliation. We are sure of your love; we believe your salvation. Amen. Hallelujah.


Lord, may no new morning come to illuminate my life without my thoughts turning to your resurrection and without my spirit going, with my poor aromas, towards the empty sepulcher of the garden! May it be Easter morning for me! And that every day, every awakening, with the joy of Easter, I also receive the profound conversion, the one I know, in every situation and in every person, to know you as you want to be known today. May each episode of the day be a moment when I hear you calling me by name, as you called Maria! Then allow me to turn to you. Allow me to answer with one word, to say one word to you, but with all my heart: "My Master!"