Mother Teresa please heal me. Prayer to ask for health

Saint Teresa of Calcutta, in your yearning desire to love Jesus as it has never been loved before, you gave yourself completely to Him, without ever refusing anything. In union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, you accepted the call to quench His infinite thirst for love and souls and to become the bearer of His love for the poorest of the poor. With loving trust and total abandonment you have fulfilled His will, witnessing the joy of belonging totally to Him. You have become so intimately united with Jesus, your crucified Spouse, that He, suspended on the cross, deigned to share with you the agony of His Heart. Blessed Teresa, you who promised to continually bring the light of love to those on earth, pray that we too would like to quench the ardent thirst of Jesus with passionate love, joyfully sharing His sufferings, and serving Him with all heart in our brothers and sisters, especially in those who, above all, are "unloved" and "unwanted". Amen.