Mother of a girl with rare syndrome despairs when she is insulted and teased

This is the story of a loving mother who had to deal with discrimination from a society that still can't accept the birth of different, special children. This mother gave birth to one child with a rare syndrome and since birth, in the happiest moment, he has had to face hateful behavior of insensitive people.


Being a parent of a different child, whether you have an illness or a disability, it can be a very experience difficult and painful. The discovery of the disease can cause shock, sadness, frustration and a sense of helplessness. The parent is not only faced with this unfortunately, but also the merciless comments of people, unable to feel empathy.

Eliza she is a mother who wanted to tell his story, with heart in hand, almost like a desperate man cry for help. Ever since her daughter was born, she has experienced nothing but rejection, discrimination and mean looks. Her happy moment turned into a cry of pain.

The woman wanted give voice to all those mothers destined for solitude only because they carry on a non-perfect pregnancy, which does not fall within the stereotypes expected by society, capable only of looking at the exterior.

The birth of Bella, the baby with Treacher Collins syndrome

This pregnancy for Eliza and her husband, it was the completion of a long-awaited and desired dream of love. Before the birth of the baby, the couple fantasized, imagined the somatic features, the similarities, in short, they behaved like the classic happy couple waiting for the moment to embrace the fruit of their love.


But a month before the birth, Eliza breaks the waters, the baby was not ready to be born, but unfortunately something was wrong and so 12 hours then Bella was born. The baby was preterm, had a bent ear and somatic features different from the standards. None of those present complimented him, even the husband stood in frightened silence.

The doctors then told him that his little Bella would need to special care. Where everyone saw something wrong she saw love, the greatest love she could ever feel.

After endless visits the little girl was diagnosed with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a hereditary condition that affects the bones and tissues of the face and which will lead you to undergo various operations.

Eliza and her husband do their best to give little Bella one normal and dignified life, they just hope that their cry will be heard and serve forto raise awareness people and to help all families with a special child to get support from institutions.