Mary Help of Christians: Prodigious healing from blindness

Graces received at the intercession of Mary Help of Christians
Prodigious healing from blindness.

If the divine goodness is great when it grants some marked favor to men, their gratitude must also be great in recognizing it, manifesting it and also publishing it, where it can return to greater glory.

In these times, it is the barley to proclaim it, God wants with many sublime favors to glorify his august Parent invoked with the title of ASSISTANT.

The fact that it happened to myself is bright proof of what I claim. Therefore, only to give glory to God and to give a lively sign of gratitude to Mary, help of Christians, I testify that in the year 1867 I was assaulted by terrible sore eyes. My parents put me under the care of the doctors, but making my illness worse, I became blind, so that from August of the year 1868 my aunt Anna had to take me, for about a year, always by hand to the church to to hear the Holy Mass, that is, until May 1869.

To see then that all the care of art was of no use, my aunt and I, having understood how many other prayers to Mary Help of Christians had already obtained thanks indicated, full of faith, I was led to the Shrine just dedicated to her in turin. When we reached that city, we went to the doctor who had the cure for my eyes. After a careful visit, she whispered to my aunt: there is little to hope for this spinster.

Such as! spontaneously answered my aunt, VS does not know what Heaven is for. She spoke thus for the great confidence she had in the help of She who can do everything with God.

We finally reached the destination of our trip.

It was a Saturday in May 1869, when in the evening I was hand-led to the church of Maria Ausiliatrice in Turin. Desolate because it does not have any use of sight at all, she went in search of comfort from She who is called Help of Christians. Her face was covered in black cloths, with a straw hat; the said aunt and our fellow countryman, teacher Maria Artero, introduced me to the sacristy. I note here in passing, that in addition to the deprivation of vision, he suffered from headaches and such jerks of eyes, that a single ray of light was enough to make me delirious. - After a brief prayer at the altar of Mary Help of Christians, the blessing was imparted to me and I was encouraged to trust in Her, whom the Church proclaims as powerful Virgin, who gives sight to the blind. - After the priest asked me thus: «How long have you had this sore eye?

«I have been suffering for a long time, but I see nothing more is almost a year.
"Have you not consulted the doctors of art? What do they say? Have you used remedies?
"We have," said my aunt, "used all sorts of remedies, but we couldn't get any advantage. Doctors say that having broken eyes, they can no longer give us hope .... »
Saying these words she started to cry.
«You no longer discern big objects from children? said the priest.
"I won't discern anything, I answered."
At that moment my clothes were removed from my face: then I was told:
"Look at the windows, can't you distinguish between the light of them, and the walls that are totally opaque?
"Miserable me? I can't distinguish anything.
"Do you wish to see?
«Imagine how much I want it! I want it more than anything else in the world. I am a poor girl, blindness makes me unhappy all my life.
«Will you use the eyes only for the benefit of the soul, and never to offend God?
«I promise it wholeheartedly. But poor me! I am an unfortunate young woman!…. That said, I broke into tears.
«Have faith, the s. Virgo will help you.
«I hope it will help me, but in the meantime I am completely blind.
"You will see.
«What rose will I see?
«It gives glory to God and the Blessed Virgin, and names the object I hold in my hand.
"I then made an effort with my eyes, I stared at them. Oh yes, I exclaimed with surprise, I see.
«A medal.
«Of the s. Virgin.
"And on this other side of the coin you see?
"On this side I see an old man with a flowered stick in his hand; is yes. Joseph.
"Madonna SS.! my aunt exclaimed, so you see?
«Of course I see you. Oh my God! S. Virgin has given me grace. "

At this moment, wanting to take the medal with my hand, I pushed it to a corner of the sacristy in the middle of a kneeler. My aunt wanted to pick her up soon, but it was forbidden. Let her, she was told, go and get her granddaughter herself; and so he will make it known that Maria got her sight perfectly. Which I did promptly without difficulty.

Then I, the aunt, with the teacher Artero filling the sacristy of exclamations and ejaculations, without saying anything to those who were present, without even thanking God for the signal favor received, we left in a hurry almost delirious for contentment; I walked forward with my face uncovered, the other two behind.

But a few days later we returned to thank Our Lady and to bless the Lord for the favor obtained, and in pledge of this we made an offer to the Virgin Help of Christians. And from that blessed day until today I have never felt any pain in my eyes again and continue to. see how I had never suffered anything. My aunt then claims that she has been suffering from violent rheumatism in her spine for a long time, with pain in her right arm and headache, so she had become incapacitated for field work. In the moment that I acquired the sight she remained perfectly healed. Two years have already passed and neither I, as I have said, nor my aunt, had to complain about the evils from which we had been so troubled for so long.

Genta Francesco da Chieri, sac. Scaravelli Alfonso, Maria Artero school teacher.
The inhabitants of Vinovo then, who used to see me lead to the church by the hand, and now go to myself, reading devotional books full of wonder in it, ask me: who ever did this? and I answer everyone: It is Mary Help of Christians who healed me. Therefore I now to the greater glory of God and of the Blessed Virgin am very happy that this is all told and published to others, so that everyone knows the great power of Mary, to which no one ever resorted without being heard.

Vinovo, March 26, 1871.

