Marija, the visionary of Medjugorje: the love learned at Mary's school

Marija Pavlovic gives a kidney to her brother who had little life expectancy.

Marija, who arrived from America on December 6, was present on the day of the Immaculate Conception in Medjugorje after the clinical tests, to greet everyone ("it is not known how things will go; they are in the hands of God", he said jokingly, but with visible emotion) and to recommend her brother and herself to everyone's prayers. On the 12th she would leave for America with her sister-in-law Rudijca and little Jelena for the gift of the kidney to her brother.

The following she told Alberto Bonifacio in detail immediately after the apparition of December 9th. Last October she had been in Milan with her brother Andrija very sick, but doctors had advised against surgery to replace the kidney, given its severity. Instead it was dr. Brian, from Birmingam hospital in Alabama (USA), a lover from Medjugorje, to solicit the transplant operation, without which his brother could have lived for a maximum of two to six months, because he could no longer bear or dialysis, nor blood transfusions, even if the operation itself represented a great danger (80%) given its extreme weakness. There was also a certain danger for Marija, because even if her thinness would have facilitated the finding and removal of the kidney, the surgery would have been very hard - four hours - and would have led to a 10 kg decrease in weight. If everything went well Marija would have had to remain motionless 10 days and for another 4 weeks in the hospital; while for his brother, if he survived, there would have been at least three or five more months in hospital. Marija was counting on returning to Medjugorje between January and February, when there are few pilgrims and could therefore have rested peacefully.

Our Lady guided things for the best: from the doctor, who took the situation to heart and made himself fully available, also a sign of the path that he himself says to take to arrive at complete conversion; the outcome, for now judged happy with the intervention. The operation took place on December 16. On the 18th, news from America was good, although Marija suffered a lot - which is normal in such cases -. The brother has already had signs of recovery with the functioning of the transplanted kidney.

Marija regularly had apparitions at the same time in Medjugorje, that is, when it was 10,40 in the morning. On her return after the analysis, she had been asked what the Madonna was like in America: “Her response was ever more beautiful '. Now she will see her even more beautiful after her heroic gesture of charity.

Source: Eco di Maria nr. 59