Mario Draghi between Palazzo Chigi and the Vatican

Mario Draghi is not a completely new figure in the social field, the Argentine Holy Father appoints Mario Draghi in the month of last July as an ordinary member of a Pontifical Academy. Draghi received a Catholic education from the earliest years of school and seems to be a mediator between the Catholic Church and young people, and is now an interlocutor between the Catholic Church and the quirinal, so much so that he supports a meeting with the pope certainly not as premier. but to point out some aspects of his "pact with young people".

Draghi does not seem to agree very much with the subsidy policy, thus pointing out the future of our “young people” who cannot emerge in their creativity. Even the President of the Republic maintains that this new economist may be able to get Italy out of the profound crisis that has overwhelmed it both from a political point of view and from a social, moral and economic point of view.

The new Premier has always supported the thesis of the German theologian Ratzinger: economics is linked to ethics to strengthen the market must be based on honesty, trust and empathy! for us Christians it is not a completely new topic, as we learn from our Master: always working respecting the times sooner or later the plant will give birth to its "fruits"