Stop in Sicily for godparents in baptisms and confirmations

The new decree of bishop of Mazara del Vallo (Sicily), Monsignor Domenico Mogavero, which provides for the suspension "ad experimentum" (ie for a fixed period) of godparents in the celebration of the sacrament of baptism of children, the confirmation of adolescents and adults and in the rite of Christian initiation of adults.

The suspension is in force until December 2024. To accompany before the presbyter who is to receive the baptism or the confirmation will be the parents or whoever oversaw the preparation.

"The office of godfather in the two sacraments of baptism and confirmation has lost its original meaning - declared Bishop Domenico Mogavero in the decree - limiting itself to a purely formal liturgical presence which is not followed by the accompaniment of the baptized and the chrismatic in the path of human and spiritual growth ".

The choice of the prelate is not isolated because other similar experiences have already been started in various Italian dioceses.

The suspension decree is valid in the territory of the Diocese of Mazara del Vallo (which does not coincide with the entire province of Trapani).

Discordant opinions among the faithful regarding the decision of Bishop Mogavero: there are those who agree and those who do not.

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