Meditation of the day: a powerful contrast

A powerful contrast: one of the reasons this story is so powerful is because of the clear descriptive contrast between the rich and Lazarus. The contrast is not only seen in the passage above, but also in the end result of each of their lives.

Jesus told the Pharisees: “There was a rich man who wore robes of purple and fine linen and ate sumptuously every day. And at his door lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who would gladly have eaten the leftovers that had fallen from the rich man's table to his fill. The dogs even came to lick her sores. " Luke 16: 19–21

In the first contrast, life of the rich it seems much more desirable, at least on the surface. He is rich, has a house to live in, dresses in fine clothes and eats lavishly every day. Lazarus, on the other hand, is poor, has no home, no food, is covered with sores and even endures the humiliation of dogs licking his wounds. Which of these people would you rather be?

Before answering this question, consider the second contrast. When they both die, they experience very different eternal destinies. When the poor man died, he was "carried away by the angels". And when the rich man died, he went to the underworld, where there was constant torment. So again, which of these people would you rather be?

One of the most seductive and deceptive realities in life is the lure of riches, luxury and the good things in life. Although the material world is not bad in and of itself, there is a great temptation that accompanies it. Indeed, it is clear from this story and from many others courses di Jesus on this subject that the lure of riches and its effect on the soul cannot be ignored. Those who are rich in the things of this world are often tempted to live for themselves rather than for others. When you have all the comforts this world has to offer, it's easy to just enjoy those comforts without worrying about others. And this is clearly the unspoken contrast between these two men.

Although poor, it is clear that Lazarus he is rich in the things that matter in life. This is evidenced by His eternal reward. It is clear that in his material poverty, he was rich in charity. The man who was rich in the things of this world was clearly poor in charity and, therefore, having lost his physical life, he had nothing to take with him. No eternal merit. No charity. Anything.

A powerful contrast: prayer

Reflect today on what you want in life. Too often, the deceptions of material wealth and earthly goods dominate our desires. Indeed, even those who have little can easily consume themselves with these unhealthy desires. Instead, seek to desire only what is eternal. Desire, love of God and love of neighbor. Make this your only goal in life and you too will be carried away by the angels when your life is completed.

My Lord of true riches, you have chosen to be poor in this world as a sign to us that true riches come not from material wealth but from love. Help me to love you, my God, with my whole being and to love others as you love them. May I be wise enough to make spiritual riches my only goal in life so that these riches are enjoyed for all eternity. Jesus I believe in you.