Rose quartz meditation

This guided rose quartz meditation, designed to help heal heart wounds, is excellent for group meetings. A leader who will act as a guide to meditation will be needed to read the italicized text below. Make sure you have a supply of rose quartz crystals for your meeting. Each person must have a crystal to keep during meditation. Or you could request that everyone bring one to use during the session. If you supply the quartz stones be sure to clean them before collection. Also, if the stones are not meant to be gifts to the participants and you take them back after meditation, you will of course have to clean up the crystals.

Instructions before meditation
When we start meditation, hold a piece of rose quartz in your hand. To determine what your receiving hand is ... if you are right-handed, put it on your left. If you are left-handed, put it in your right hand.

The heart is at the center of all energies and unifies our being as a whole. It is the point around which all energies revolve. Discord or imbalance in the heart chakra will negatively affect all other centers. A clearing of the heart chakra will improve the interaction of all the other centers. It is important to maintain a balance in all energy centers so that a healthy level of awareness manifests itself in our daily lives. If more concentration is given to the upper chakras, the lower energy centers lose sensitivity and function. If greater concentration is given to the lower chakras, the higher energy centers will become cloudy and not work as well. The right balance is the key.

Clearing the Heart Rose Quartz Guided meditation
When we start this meditation, if you have a piece of rose quartz, take it now. If you don't have rose quartz, use an emerald, malachite or some other stone that aligns with the heart chakra. Hold it in your receiving hand.

Take some peaceful cleansing and renewal breaths. Feel the breath draws life into the body and spirit. Breathe deeper and feel the breath draw not only from the air around you but also from the earth below. Breathe this earth energy with each breath. Breathe with every pore in your body, feeling the awakening that is starting to happen. Allow the life-giving energies to pour into you and renew both your body and your spirit. Let the energy of the earth surround you and flow into you. Feel your throbbing and surround yourself completely. Continue breathing in this way, slowly, and start to relax even more.

As you sink deeper into this relaxation, feel yourself gently pulling away from your body. Feel the freedom and relaxation as you move away from your body. Know that the body itself will be refreshed and renewed and will be perfectly safe until you return.

Now you are moving again, further and further away in a field of clouds. You are very happy and refreshed by the unique shapes and colors of the clouds. See how they are formed and reformed, turning gently and constantly on themselves in an endless dance. Look ahead and see that the clouds are denser as if they were "hiding" something. The closer you get, the clouds begin to thin out; when they begin to become transparent, they move away gracefully. Now they have withdrawn completely to reveal a beautiful pink rose quartz.

Look carefully at the color and note the intensity of the pure color it radiates. Feel the warmth of pink. Let that warmth wash you over. As it covers you from head to toe you feel the love radiating from the rose quartz. Let it penetrate your every pore, every fiber of your being. Receive the love that is freely given to you. The pink color is as deep as it is radiant. It is very pleasing to the eye and you feel attracted to it; you feel yourself going through the walls of pink and now you are suspended inside. Notice the graceful intricate rose arches around you.

Feel a gentle breeze pass through and hear a sweet melody, note after note as the breeze passes through the arches to create this melody. Another breeze blows again, and you feel the harmony, and this harmony comes from the depths of your being. It's part of you; it is you. You feel it in your heart as it vibrates throughout your body and spirit. It pulsates you with great force in all directions simultaneously. You are recharged and renewed.

While singing through your body you have a great feeling of power and joy; all the fatigue and discomfort are disappearing. The strength of the pink color and the vibrations of rose quartz are investing you, purifying, renewing and restoring every fiber of yourself. Feel the center, in your heart, like the center of a wheel and all the other systems of your body that draw and reflect this love to your other energy centers. They are drawing through them this power which gives love to be restored in turn. You are full of breath, strength, joy, love and compassion in this newly found energy. You also know that you can tap into this energy to restore yourself to any level of body or spirit. This energy is here for you, whenever you wish it was. You are part of this energy and it is, as always, a part of you.

Now you start going back, leaving the pink arches. Continue to step back further and further until rose quartz is completely within your field of vision. You see it turn gently and peacefully. The clouds are moving around the rose quartz again. They curl, roll and cover it. You are moving further and further away and withdrawing into your physical body. You realize that you are centered in it again. Feel that surrounds you and you are comforted by its familiarity. You realize that your body has also been renewed and refreshed while you were in the midst of the deep love you just experienced. This gives you great pleasure. Now inhale and exhale deeply and feel the awakening of the body's vital systems. Breathe deeply again and when you release your breath, you become aware of all the sounds of life around you.

Disclaimer: the information on this site is for educational purposes only and does not replace the advice, diagnosis or treatment of an authorized doctor. You should seek timely medical assistance for any health problems and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or changing your regimen.