Meditation of the day: understanding the mysteries of the sky

“Haven't you understood or understood yet? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes and don't see, ears and don't hear? ”Mark 8: 17–18 How would you answer these questions Jesus posed to his disciples if he asked you? It takes humility to admit that you still don't understand or understand, that your heart is hardened and that you can't see and hear all that God has revealed. Of course there are various levels in these fights, so hopefully you don't fight them to a serious extent. But if you can humbly confess that you struggle with these to some degree, then that humility and honesty will earn you a lot of grace. Jesus posed these questions to his disciples in the larger context of a discussion about the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod. He knew that the “leaven” of these leaders was like leaven that corrupted others. Their dishonesty, pride, desire for honors and the like have had a seriously negative effect on the faith of others. So by asking these questions above, Jesus challenged his disciples to see this wicked leaven and reject it.

The seeds of doubt and confusion are all around us. These days it seems that almost everything the secular world promotes is somehow contrary to God's Kingdom. Yet, just like the disciples' inability to see the wicked leaven of the Pharisees and Herod, we too often fail to see the bad yeast in our society. Instead, let us allow the many errors to confuse us and lead us on the path of secularism. One thing this should teach us is that just because someone has some form of authority or power within society doesn't mean they are a sincere and holy leader. And while it is never our job to judge another's heart, we absolutely must have "ears to hear" and "eyes to see" the many mistakes that are deemed good in our world. We must constantly try to "understand and understand" God's laws and use them as a guide against the lies in the world. An important way to make sure we do it right is to make sure our hearts never harden to the truth. Reflect today on these questions of our Lord and especially examine them in the larger context of society as a whole. Consider the false "leaven" taught by our world and by so many in positions of authority. Reject these errors and re-engage in full embrace of Heaven's holy mysteries so that those truths and truths alone become your daily guide.Prayer: My glorious Lord, I thank you for being the Lord of all truth. Help me turn my eyes and ears to that Truth daily so that I can see the evil yeast all around me. Give me the wisdom and the gift of discernment, dear Lord, so that I can immerse myself in the mysteries of your holy life. Jesus I believe in you.