Meditation of the day: pray to the Our Father

Meditation of the day pray to the Our Father: remember that Jesus would sometimes go alone and spend the whole night in prayer. Hence, it is clear that Jesus is in favor of long and sincere prayer times, as he has given us his example as a lesson. But there is clearly a difference between what our Lord did all night and what he criticized the pagans for doing when they "stammer" with many words. After this criticism of the pagans' prayer, Jesus gives us the prayer of the "Our Father" as a model for our personal prayer. Jesus said to his disciples: “In prayer, do not stammer like the pagans, who think they are being heard because of their many words. Don't be like them. Matthew 6: 7–8

Meditation of the day pray to the Our Father: The Our Father prayer begins by addressing God in a deeply personal way. That is, God is not just an omnipotent cosmic being. He is personal, familiar: he is our Father. Jesus continues the prayer teaching us to honor our Father by proclaiming his holiness, his holiness. God and God alone is the Saint from whom all the sanctity of life derives. When we recognize the Father's holiness, we must also recognize him as King and seek his kingship for our lives and for the world. This is achieved only when His perfect will is done "on earth as in Heaven". This perfect prayer ends by acknowledging that God is the source of all our daily needs, including the forgiveness of our sins and protection from each day.

Pprayer to God the Father for a grace

Upon completion of this prayer of perfection, Jesus provides a context in which this and every prayer must be said. It says: “If you forgive men their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, not even your Father will forgive your transgressions “. Prayer will only be effective if we allow it to change us and make us more like our Father in Heaven. Therefore, if we want our prayer of forgiveness to be effective, then we must live what we pray for. We also need to forgive others so that God forgives us.

Meditation of the day pray to the Our Father: Reflect, today, on this perfect prayer, the Our Father. One temptation is that we can become so familiar with this prayer that we ignore its true meaning. If that happens, we will find that we are praying to him more like pagans who just stammer the words. But if we humbly and sincerely understand and understand every word, then we can be sure that our prayer will become more like that of our Lord. St. Ignatius of Loyola recommends meditating very slowly on each word of that prayer, one word at a time. Try to pray this way today and allow the Our Father to move from babble to authentic communication with Heavenly Father.

Let's pray: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Come your kingdom. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our faults, as we forgive those who transgress against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Jesus I believe in you.