Meditation of the day: Transfigured in glory

Meditation of the day, Transfigured in glory: Jesus' many teachings were difficult for many to accept. His command to love your enemies, to take up your cross and follow him, to lay down your life for another and his calling to perfection were demanding, to say the least.

So, as an aid for all of us to accept the challenges of the gospel, Jesus chose Peter, James, and John to receive a little vision of Who He truly is. He showed them a glimpse of His greatness and glory. And that image surely stayed with them and helped them whenever they were tempted to get discouraged or despair at the holy demands our Lord placed upon them.

Jesus took Peter, James and John and led them to a high mountain separated by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his garments became dazzling white, such that no fuller on earth could whiten them. Mark 9: 2–3

Remember that before the Transfiguration, Jesus taught His disciples that He should suffer and die and that they too should follow in His footsteps. Thus Jesus revealed to them a taste of his unimaginable glory. God's glory and splendor are truly unimaginable. There is no way to understand its beauty, magnificence and splendor. Even in Heaven, when we see Jesus face to face, we will eternally enter ever deeper into the incomprehensible mystery of God's glory.

Meditation of the day, Transfigured in glory: reflect today on Jesus and his glory in Heaven

While we do not have the privilege of witnessing the image of His glory as these three Apostles were, their experience of this glory is given to us to reflect so that we also receive the benefit of their experience. Because the glory and splendor of Christ it is not only a physical reality but also an essentially spiritual one, He can also give us a glimpse of His glory. Sometimes in life, Jesus will give us his consolation and instill in us a clear sense of who he is. He will reveal to us through prayer a sense of Who He is, especially when we make the radical choice to follow him unreservedly. And while this may not be an everyday experience, if you've ever received this gift by faith, remind yourself when things get tough in life.

Meditation of the day, Transfigured in glory: Reflect today on Jesus as He fully radiates His glory in Heaven. Remember that image whenever you find yourself tempted in life by despair or doubt, or when you feel that Jesus simply wants too much of you. Remind yourself who Jesus really is. Imagine what these Apostles saw and experienced. Let their experience become yours too, so that you can make the choice each day to follow our Lord wherever He leads.

My transfigured Lord, you are truly glorious in a way that is beyond my understanding. Your glory and your splendor are beyond what my imagination can ever comprehend. Help me to always keep the eyes of my heart on You and to let the image of Your Transfiguration strengthen me when I am tempted by despair. I love you, my Lord, and I place all my hope in You. Jesus I believe in you.