Today's meditation: He who wanted to be born for us, did not want to be ignored by us

Although in the mystery of the Incarnation of the Lord the signs of his divinity have always been clear, nevertheless today's solemnity manifests us and reveals to us in many ways that God appeared in the human body, because our mortal nature, always shrouded in darkness through ignorance, he should not lose what he deserved to receive and possess by grace.
In fact, he who wanted to be born for us, did not want to remain hidden from us; and therefore it manifests itself in this way, so that this great mystery of piety does not become an occasion for error.
Today the magi, who sought him shining among the stars, find him wandering in the cradle. Today the Magi clearly see, wrapped in cloths, the one who so long contented themselves with obscurely contemplating in the stars. Today the magi consider with great amazement what they see in the crib: the sky lowered to the earth, the earth raised to the sky, man in God, God in man, and the one whom the whole world cannot contain, enclosed in a tiny body.
Seeing, they believe and do not argue and proclaim it for what it is with their symbolic gifts. With incense they recognize him as God, with gold they accept him as king, with myrrh they express faith in the one who should have died.
From this the pagan, who was last, became first, because then the faith of the gentiles was inaugurated by that of the magi.
Today Christ has descended into the Jordan bed to wash away the sins of the world. John himself attests that he came precisely for this: "Here is the lamb of God, here is he who takes away the sin of the world" (Jn 1,29:XNUMX). Today the servant has in his hands the master, the man God, John Christ; he holds it to receive forgiveness, not to give it to him.
Today, as the Prophet says: The voice of the Lord is on the waters (cf. Ps 28,23). Which voice? "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Mt 3,17:XNUMX).
Today the Holy Spirit hovers over the waters in the form of a dove, because, as Noah's dove had announced that the universal flood had ceased, so, indicating this, it was understood that the eternal shipwreck of the world was over; and he did not bring like a twig of the ancient olive tree, but he poured out all the ostentatiousness of the new chrism on the head of the new progenitor, so that what the Prophet had predicted would be fulfilled: "God, your God, has consecrated you with gladness oil in preference to your equals "(Ps 44,8).
Today Christ begins the heavenly portents, changing the waters into wine; but the water must then change into the sacrament of blood, so that Christ would pour pure chalices from the fullness of his grace to those who want to drink. This is how the saying of the Prophet was fulfilled: How precious my cup that overflows! (cf. Ps 22,5).