Today's meditation: The word of God is an inexhaustible source of life

Who is able to understand, Lord, all the richness of one of your words? It is much more that which eludes us than we can understand. We are just like the thirsty who drink from a source. Your word offers many different aspects, as there are many perspectives for those who study it. The Lord has colored his word with various beauties, so that those who scrutinize it can contemplate what they prefer. He has hidden all the treasures in his word, so that each of us will find a wealth in what he contemplates.
His word is a tree of life which, from all sides, brings you blessed fruits. It is like that open rock in the desert, which became a spiritual drink for every man on every side. They ate, says the Apostle, a spiritual food and drank a spiritual drink (cf. 1 Cor 10: 2).
Whoever touches one of these riches does not believe that there is nothing else in the word of God beyond what he has found. Rather, realize that he has been unable to find out if not one thing among many others. After enriching yourself with the word, do not believe that it is impoverished by it. Unable to exhaust its wealth, give thanks for the immensity of it. Rejoice because you have been satisfied, but do not be saddened by the fact that the richness of the word exceeds you. The one who is thirsty is happy to drink, but does not get sad because he cannot drain the source. It is better that the source satisfies your thirst rather than thirst depletes the source. If your thirst is quenched without the source drying up, you can drink it again whenever you need it. On the other hand, if you satiate yourself and dry the source, your victory would be your disaster. Thank you for what you have received and do not murmur for what remains unused. What you've taken or taken away is your thing, but what's left is still your legacy. What you could not immediately receive because of your weakness, receive it at other times with your perseverance. Do not have the impudence to want to take in one fell swoop what cannot be taken except on several occasions, and do not move away from what you may receive only a little at a time.