Today's meditation: The pre-eminence of charity

Why on earth, brothers, are we not very solicitous in seeking opportunities for mutual salvation, and we do not give each other mutual aid where we see it most necessary, fraternally carrying one another's burdens? Wanting to remind us of this, the Apostle says: "Bear one another's burdens, so you will fulfill the law of Christ" (Gal 6: 2). And elsewhere: Bear one another with love (cf. Eph 4: 2). This is undoubtedly the law of Christ.
What in my brother for whatever reason - or for necessity or for infirmity of the body or for lightness of morals - I see not being able to correct, why can't I bear it with patience? Why don't I take care of it lovingly, as it is written: Will their little ones be carried in my arms and stroked on the knees? (cf. Is 66, 12). Perhaps because I lack that charity which suffers everything, which is patient in enduring and kind in loving according to the law of Christ! With his passion he took upon himself our evils and with his compassion he took upon himself our pains (cf. Is 53: 4), loving those he brought and bringing those he loved. On the other hand, the one who hostile attacks his brother in need, or who undermines his weakness, of any kind, undoubtedly subjects himself to the devil's law and puts it into practice. Let us therefore use understanding and practice fraternity, fighting weakness and only persecuting vice.
The conduct most acceptable to God is that which, although it varies in form and style, follows with great sincerity the love of God and, for him, the love of neighbor.
Charity is the only criterion according to which everything must be done or not done, changed or not changed. It is the principle that must direct every action and the end to which it must aim. Acting with regard to it or inspired by it, nothing is unbecoming and all is good.
This charity, the one to whom without it we cannot please, the one without whom we can do absolutely nothing, who lives and reigns, God, for centuries without end, is worthy of granting it to us. Amen.