Today's meditation: O Virgin, every creature is blessed for your blessing

Heaven, stars, earth, rivers, day, night and all the creatures that are subjected to the power of man or disposed for his usefulness, rejoice, O Lady, to have been through you in some way raised to the splendor that they had lost, and to have received a new inexpressible grace. All things were like death, since they had lost the original dignity to which they had been destined. Their aim was to serve the dominion or needs of creatures whose duty it is to raise praise to God. They were crushed by oppression and had lost their lives by the abuse of those who had made themselves servants of idols. But they were not meant for idols. Now, however, almost resurrected, they rejoice that they are ruled by dominion and embellished by the use of men who praise God.
They exulted as of a new and priceless grace feeling that God himself, their Creator himself not only invisibly holds them from above, but also, visibly present among them, sanctifies them by using them. These great goods came from the blessed fruit of the blessed womb of the blessed Mary.
For the fullness of your grace even creatures who were in the underworld rejoice in the joy of being freed, and those who are on earth rejoice in being renewed. Indeed for the same glorious son of your glorious virginity, all the righteous who died before his life-giving death rejoice, freed from their captivity, and the angels rejoice because their ruined city is remade new.
O woman full and overabundant of grace, every creature revives inundated by the overflow of your fullness. O blessed virgin and more than blessed, for whose blessing every creature is blessed by its Creator, and the Creator is blessed by every creature.
To God God gave the Son his only one whom he had generated from his womb equal to himself and whom he loved as himself, and from Mary he molded the Son, not another, but the same, so that according to nature he was the only one and the same common son of God and Mary. God created every creature, and Mary begat God: God who had created everything, made himself a creature of Mary, and thus recreated everything he had created. And while he had been able to create all things from nothing, after their ruin he did not want to restore them without Mary.
Therefore God is the father of created things, Mary the mother of recreated things. God is the father of the foundation of the world, Mary the mother of his reparation, since God begot the one by whom all was made, and Mary gave birth to the one by whom all things were saved. God begot the one without whom nothing absolutely is, and Mary gave birth to the one without whom nothing is good.
Truly with you it is the Lord who wanted all creatures, and himself together, to owe so much to you.

Saint Anselm, bishop