Meditation today: forgive from the heart

Forgiving from the heart: Peter approached Jesus and asked him: “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how many times must I forgive him? Up to seven times? ”Jesus replied,“ I tell you, not seven times but seventy-seven times. Matthew 18: 21–22

Forgiveness of another is difficult. It is much easier to be angry. This line quoted above is the introduction to the parable of the merciless servant. In that parable, Jesus makes it clear that if we want to receive forgiveness from God, we must forgive others. If we deny forgiveness, we can be sure that God will deny it to us.

Peter may have thought he was quite generous in his question of Jesus. Clearly Peter had considered Jesus' teachings on forgiveness and was ready to take the next step in offering that forgiveness freely. But Jesus' response to Peter makes it clear that Peter's concept of forgiveness was very pale compared to the forgiveness requested by our Lord.

La parable later told by Jesus introduces us to a man who has been forgiven a huge debt. Later, when that man met a person who owed him a small debt, he did not offer the same forgiveness that had been given to him. As a result, the master of that man whose huge debt has been forgiven is scandalized and once again demands full payment of the debt. And then Jesus concludes the parable with a shocking statement. He says: “Then in anger his master handed him over to the torturers until he paid off the entire debt. My heavenly Father will do this for you, unless each of you forgives your brother in heart “.

Note that the forgiveness God expects us to offer to others is that which comes from the heart. And note that our lack of forgiveness will result in us being handed over "to the torturers". These are serious words. For "torturers", we should understand that the sin of not forgiving another brings with it a lot of inner pain. When we cling to anger, this act "tortures" us in a certain way. Sin always has this effect on us and it is for our good. It is a way that God constantly challenges us to change. So, the only way to free ourselves from this inner form of torture of our sin is to overcome that sin and, in this case, to overcome the sin of refusing forgiveness.

Reflect today on the call God has given you to forgive as much as possible. If you still feel anger in your heart towards another, keep working on it. Forgive again and again. Pray for that person. Refrain from judging or condemning them. Forgive, forgive, forgive and you too will be given God's abundant mercy.

Forgiving from the heart: prayer

My forgiving Lord, I thank you for the unfathomable depths of your mercy. I thank you for your willingness to forgive me again and again. Please give me a heart worthy of that forgiveness by helping me to forgive all people to the same extent that you have forgiven me. I forgive all those who have sinned against me, dear Lord. Help me keep doing it from the bottom of my heart. Jesus I believe in you.