Medjugorje: Eucharistic Adoration of March 11th

Medjugorje, Eucharistic Adoration: On Thursday 11 March 2021 in the Church of St. James in Medjugorje, Eucharistic Adoration was held where people prayed to ask for the Lord's intervention in life.

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Medjugorje, Eucharistic Adoration

Medjugorje, Eucharistic Adoration: Saint Thomas Aquinas prayer to Jesus Eucharist

I thank you, holy Lord, Almighty Father. Eternal God, who certainly not for my merits, but for the sole effect of your mercy you have deigned to satisfy. With the precious Body and Blood of the Son your Lord our Jesus Christ, me sinner, your unworthy servant. Please that this Holy Communion is not a crime worthy of punishment for me, but a valid intercession to obtain forgiveness.

May it be for me an armor of faith and a shield of good will. May it be liberation from my vices, extermination of lust and passions, increase of charity, patience, humility, obedience, of all virtues. Safe defense against the snares of my enemies as visible as invisible, absolute tranquility of the carnal and spiritual passions, perfect abandonment in you, one and true God, happy fulfillment of my purpose. And I pray that you deign to lead me sinner to that ineffable banquet where you with your Son and with the Holy Spirit are true light to your Saints, full satiety, eternal joy, complete joy, perfect happiness. For the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.