Medjugorje: the visionaries and the ten secrets, what you need to know

(...) Years have passed since Mirjana prepared the revelation that she says next. The revelation of secrets has not yet begun. Because? Mirjana replied:
- It's an extension of mercy.
In other words, prayer and fasting have compensated or slowed down the self-destruction that the sin of the world is preparing, because most of the secrets concern these looming threats that only the return to God can temper.
The visionaries jealously guard these secrets, but reveal their global meaning (according to the double meaning of the term, meaning and direction to be taken).
- Ten days before the realization of each secret, Mirjana will notify Father Pèro, in charge of revealing them.
- He will have to fast for seven days and will have the task of revealing them three days before their realization. He is the arbiter of his mission and could keep them to himself, as did John XXIII for the secret of Fatima, whose revelation was authorized for 1960. Father Pèro is firmly determined to reveal them.
The first three secrets are three extreme warnings given to the world as a last chance to convert. The third secret (which is also the third warning) will be a visible sign given on the hill of apparitions to convert those who do not believe.
Then the revelation of the last seven secrets, more serious, especially the last four, will follow. Vicka cried receiving the ninth and Mirjana receiving the tenth. The seventh, however, was softened by the fervor of prayers and fasting.
These are perspectives that leave us perplexed, because the secrets, always fascinating, generally lose their prestige when they are revealed, as happened for Fatima; furthermore, predictions about the future are subject to optical illusion. The early Christians believed the end of the world to be imminent; the apostle Paul himself thought he saw her before his death (l Tm 4,13-17; Heb 10,25.35; Rev 22,20). The anticipations of hope and prophecy had bypassed the events. Finally, this detailed setting may seem closer to magic than to the mystery of God.
Will there be disappointments when the ten secrets are revealed? Isn't their delay already a warning sign?
Questions that arise. The prudence and vigilance recommended by the Church are therefore required in this regard.
Faith is certain, personally guaranteed by God. Charisms are fallible because they are the gift of God in human frailty.
I have no doubt about the authenticity of the grace received in Medjugorje by the visionaries, the parish and some thousands of pilgrims who have converted deeply. This, however, does not guarantee all the details of the predictions and premonitions, on which the visionaries have already been wrong in some detail, as indeed happened to some saints, even canonized. We could therefore be mistaken if we polarized on these secrets and on the 'sign' announced, instead of relying on the grace that develops with a consistency and a depth superior, up to now, to all contrarieties (...)