Medjugorje: the doctor declares the ecstasies of the visionaries authentic

Speak Professor Lugi Frigerio, the primary who studied them. The ecstasies of the visionaries of Medjugorje are authentic! This is what emerges from an unpublished interview released in these hours on by Professor Luigi Frigerio, primary hospital at the Ospedali Riuniti of Bergamo, of which in this article we publish a large excerpt. The professor does not enter into the merits, nor in the content of the ecstasies themselves, but what emerges from his statements clears the field of any controversy and possible speculation on the subject. We therefore return to speak of Medjugorje and, in particular, of the apparitions of Our Lady; one of the main disputes that are made in this regard is that visionaries are visionaries. is able to present an exclusive and unpublished video and article to friends who follow us, to all lay and religious Catholics, to believers and to the non-believing world. This is the news: for the first time from the Internet tool we learn that the ecstasies of the visionaries of Medjugorie are not a "fraud", a deception, a simulation. But that is not all.

Professor Frigerio talks about the extraordinary healing of a woman that took place in Medjugorje. The contents of this interview are clamorously denied by the attitude of this interview: Professor Luigi Frigerio, chief physician, at the Ospedali Riuniti of Bergamo, together with some colleagues of various specialties, has carried out various scientific studies on visionaries; to the microphones of our correspondent, Cristina Muscio, she gives full light, confirming the authenticity of the ecstasies.

D- Professor Frigerio, at the end of the studies done on the visionaries of Medjugorje, what conclusions can you draw? Are the ecstasies authentic?

A- First of all, there is no definition of what a state of ecstasy is. I can report what are the results of the tests that a team of doctors of the University of Milan has carried out on the visionaries of Medjugorje who have undergone repeated examinations aimed at by several specialists experts in several sectors. There was a neurologist, a psychologist, a neurophysiologist, a pharmacologist, an anesthesiologist, an otolaryngologist ... So in the end we used complex scientific instruments, but ultimately simple enough for what our investigation wanted to be, a series of tools that firstly highlighted the visionaries' ability to feel pain before, during and after the ecstasy, and again, through the study of electrodermy, the evaluation of the emotional condition, before, during and after the ecstasy and again, through the study of the evoked potentials of the trunk and brain; we went to investigate the visual pathways, the acoustic pathways, and the "somatoesthesia" pathways, that is, the sensitivity of the limbs and the normalcy of nerve conduction from the periphery to the brain. In summary, we can say that, as far as pain sensitivity is concerned, this substantially reduces until it almost disappears during the ecstasies. While before these manifestations the pain sensitivity of the visionaries was normal, during the ecstasies, the pain threshold changed by 700%, to become substantially insensitive to any "nociceptive" stimulus, for example using a heat source at 50 degrees through the use of an algometer, or for example when Bonet's corneal extensometer was used which is a tool used to evaluate the sensitivity of the cornea, the visionaries lost their corneal sensitivity during the ecstasy, i.e. touching the eye the eyelid no longer closed. This first series of tests was able to exclude fraud, deception, simulation. Another series of tests consisted in the study of electrodermia, ie sweating of the skin, which then allows the emotional state of the person to be transmitted to a device. We, we have been able to substantially show that in the moment of ecstasy the sensitivity of the visionaries with respect to the circumstance disappears. If we stimulate a person suddenly with a loud noise there is an emotional variation that reflects on the neurovegetative state: the heart rate, electrodermy, blood pressure changes, all these things that happened before or after the ecstasy we have been able to demonstrate that they did not occur during the phenomenon. This could be the demonstration, if we accept extraneousness to the circumstance as a definition of ecstasy, a true ecstatic phenomenon, in the sense that the subject loses communication with the surrounding environment. This goes a bit in contradiction with the third type of tests that we did using a kind of computer that studied somato-esthetic sensitivity, acoustic sensitivity, because through the study of the evoked potentials of the trunk and brain we found that the nervous pathways were all open, that is, these people were perfectly vigilant: they see, hear, perceive, at the same time they do not react: as in a sort of watertight compartment that excludes their sensitivity and makes them unable to react with respect to the surrounding stimuli and in addition we had to observe a sensitive dulling of the "nociceptive" sensitivity, that is, these people in moments of ecstasy did not feel the pain.

D - So, in summary what is your conclusion?

A - There is no fraud, there is no deception, there is no simulation, in those moments of ecstasy these people lose sensitivity with respect to pain, lose sensitivity with respect to the circumstance, yet we know that they do not sleep, that they are not under anesthesia, which are perfectly alert, because they see, hear, perceive, yet have no relationship with the circumstance, as if their attention was attracted or totally interested by another stimulus, by an "issuer" that we ??? but not we were able to evaluate, therefore in the end, from a medical point of view it remains inexplicable for us.

Q - Is it true that the visionaries came out of the ecstasies simultaneously?

A - Yes, we too have observed this phenomenon in an in-depth way. In fact, these studies were done in a more detailed way by the French team led by Professor Joyex. They, through an instrument, had even studied the "nystagmus", therefore the ability to fix together a station unknown to us, simultaneously perceived by them and at the end of this phenomenon, with a discrepancy of a few thousandths of a second demonstrated this simultaneity.

Q - Can you tell us about Diana Basile's extraordinary healing during a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, which caused a great sensation?

R. - At that time, I worked at the clinical improvement institutes in Milan, I had seen this lady very sick because she suffered from multiple sclerosis, and was essentially blind, and also had major dermatological problems. I then happened to see the same person after a few months and I was able to observe an extraordinary change. I was not present when there was this healing, reported instantly, during a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, but I can testify that I knew this subject from a medical point of view, before this healing, among other things, the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis had been diagnosed by very important doctors, by one of the most famous teams in Italy, at that time in the field. At the end of this story, we doctors were faced with a completely normal person, with a normal visual ability, with the ability to walk, and the people present at that time were able to witness the instantaneousness of this change. I myself have been able to verify this change of elementary evidence.

Source: Taken from the website