Medjugorje: Jacov tells "the roof has opened and we went to Heaven"

MESSAGE of 25 November 1990. “Dear children, today I invite you to do works of mercy with love and for love, towards me and towards yours and my brothers and sisters. Dear children, do everything you do to others with great joy and humility towards God. I am with you and, day by day, I offer your sacrifices and prayers to God for the salvation of the world. Thanks for answering my call. "

"Jakov, tell us ..." ask the pilgrims. - The Gospa came and took us with her. Vicka was with me, go ask her, she will tell you ... - Jakov remained a very discreet boy, and his wife Annalisa also receives the treasures that Our Lady communicates to him only with the dropper. For her part, Vicka does not allow herself to be prayed twice to tell her "journey to the afterlife": - We did not expect it - she says - the Gospa came to the room while Jakov's mother prepared breakfast for us in the kitchen. He proposed that we both go with you to see heaven, purgatory and hell. This surprised us very much and at first neither Jakov nor I said yes. - Bring Vicka with you instead - Jakov told her - she has many brothers and sisters, while I am the only son of my mother.-In fact, she doubted that she could return alive from such an expedition! -For my part - adds Vicka, - I said to myself - “Where will we meet again? And how long will it take? " But in the end seeing that the desire of the Gospa was to take us with us, we accepted. And we found ourselves up there.- - Up there? - I asked Vicka, - but how did you get there? - As soon as we said yes, the roof opened and we were up there! - - Did you leave with your body? - - Yes, as we are now! The Gospa took Jakov with her left hand and me with her right hand and we left with her. First he showed us paradise. - - Did you enter heaven so easily? - - But no! - Vicka told me - we entered the door. - A door like? - - Mah! A normal door! We have seen 5. Pietro near the door and the Gospa opened the door ... - S. Peter? How it was? - Well! How it was on earth! I mean? - About sixty, seventy years old, not very tall but not small, with gray hair a little curly, quite stocky ... - Didn't he open it for you? - No, the Gospa opened by herself without a key. He told me it was 5. Pietro, he said nothing, we said goodbye so simply. - Didn't he seem surprised to see you? - No because? See, we were with the Gospa. -Vicka describes the scene as if she were talking about a walk taken not later than yesterday, with the family, in the surroundings. He feels no barrier between "the things up there" and those down here. He is perfectly at ease among these realities and is even surprised by some of my questions. Strangely, she does not realize that her experience represents a treasure for humanity and that the language of heaven so familiar to her, opens a window onto a completely different world for our present society, for us who are "non-visionaries". . - Paradise is a great space without limits. There is a light that does not exist on earth. I have seen so many people and everyone is very happy. They sing, dance ... communicate with each other in a way that is unthinkable for us. They know each other intimately. They are dressed in long tunics and I noticed three different colors. But these colors are not like those of the earth. They resemble yellow, gray and red. There are also angels with them. The Gospa explained everything to us. “See how happy they are. They don't miss anything! " - - Vicka can you describe this happiness that the blessed live in heaven? - - No I can't describe it, because on earth there are no words to say it. This happiness of the elect, I felt it too. I can't tell you about it, I can't but live it in my heart. - Didn't you want to stay up there and never come back to earth? - - Yup! he answers smiling. But one should not think only of oneself! You know our greatest happiness is to make the Gospa happy. We know that he wants to keep us on earth for some time to bring his messages. It is a great joy to share your messages! As long as you need me, I'm ready! When you want to take me with you I will be ready anyway! It's his project, not mine ... - Could the blessed have seen you too? - They certainly saw us! We were with them! - As they were? - They were about thirty years old. They were very, very beautiful. Nobody was too small or too big. There were no thin or fat or sick people. Everyone was very well. - So why was St. Peter older and dressed as on earth? - Brief silence on her part ... the question had never occurred to her. - That's right, I'll tell you what I've seen! - And if your bodies were in heaven with the Gospa they were no longer on earth, in Jakov's house? - Of course not! Our bodies are gone from Jakov's house. Everyone looked for us! It lasted twenty minutes in all. - As a first stop, Vicka's story stops there. For her, the most important thing is to have begun to enjoy the unspeakable happiness of heaven, this unimpeded peace whose promise must no longer be verified. Strong spirits will surely be able to "cogitate" and discuss this raw story revealed by Vicka. But in addition to the fact that Jakov represents a second witness, the clearest sign that Vicka has truly stayed in heaven is that this joy of heaven flows from her whole being to those who approach her.