Medjugorje: the most important thing that Our Lady wants from us

Message of June 27, 1981 (Extraordinary message)
To Vicka who asks if she prefers prayer or songs, Our Lady replies: "Both: pray and sing". After a while the Virgin answered the question on the behavior that the Franciscans of the parish of San Giacomo must follow: "May the brothers be firm in the faith and protect the faith of the people".

Message of August 8, 1981 (Extraordinary message)
Do penance! Strengthen your faith with prayer and the sacraments!

Message of October 10, 1981 (Extraordinary message)
«Faith cannot be alive without prayer. Pray more ».

Message of December 11, 1981 (Extraordinary message)
Pray and fast. I want prayer to be ever more deeply rooted in your heart. Pray more, every day more.

Message of December 14, 1981 (Extraordinary message)
Pray and fast! I only ask you for prayer and fasting!

April 11, 1982 (Extraordinary Message)
It is necessary to form prayer groups and not only in this parish. Prayer groups are needed in all parishes.

April 14, 1982 (Extraordinary Message)
You must know that Satan exists. One day he stood before the throne of God and asked for permission to tempt the Church for a certain period with the intention of destroying it. God allowed Satan to test the Church for a century but added: You won't destroy it! This century in which you live is under the power of Satan, but when the secrets that have been entrusted to you are realized, his power will be destroyed. Already now he begins to lose his power and therefore has become even more aggressive: he destroys marriages, raises discord even among consecrated souls, causes obsessions, causes murders. Protect yourselves therefore with fasting and prayer, especially with community prayer. Bring blessed objects and place them in your homes too. And resume the use of holy water!

April 26, 1982 (Extraordinary Message)
Many who say they are believers never pray. Faith cannot be kept alive without prayer.

Message of July 21, 1982 (Extraordinary message)
Dear children! I invite you to pray and fast for world peace. You have forgotten that with prayer and fasting wars can also be turned away and even natural laws can be suspended. The best fast is bread and water. Everyone except the sick must fast. Begging and charitable works cannot replace fasting.

Message of August 12, 1982 (Extraordinary message)
Pray! Pray! When I say this word to you, you don't understand it. All graces are available to you, but you can only receive them through prayer.

Message of August 18, 1982 (Extraordinary message)
For the healing of the sick, a firm faith is needed, a persevering prayer accompanied by the offer of fasting and sacrifices. I can't help those who don't pray and don't make sacrifices. Even those who are in good health must pray and fast for the sick. The more you firmly believe and fast for the same healing intention, the greater will be the grace and mercy of God. It is good to pray by laying hands on the sick and it is also good to anoint them with blessed oil. Not all priests have the gift of healing: to awaken this gift the priest must pray with perseverance, fast and firmly believe.

Message of August 31, 1982 (Extraordinary message)
I do not have divine graces directly, but I get from God everything I ask with my prayer. God has full trust in me. And I intercede graces and protect in a special way those who are consecrated to me.

September 7, 1982 (Extraordinary Message)
Before each liturgical feast, prepare yourselves with prayer and fasting on bread and water.

September 16, 1982 (Extraordinary Message)
I would also like to say to the Supreme Pontiff the word that I came to announce here in Medjugorje: peace, peace, peace! I want him to pass it on to everyone. My particular message for him is to bring together all Christians with his word and his preaching and to transmit to young people what God inspires him during prayer.

Message of February 18, 1983 (Extraordinary message)
The most beautiful prayer is the Creed. But all prayers are good and pleasing to God if they come from the heart.

Message of May 2, 1983 (Extraordinary message)
We live not only in work, but also in prayer. Your works will not go well without prayer. Offer your time to God! Abandon yourself to him! Let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit! And then you will see that your work will also go better and you will also have more free time.

Message of May 28, 1983 (Message given to the prayer group)
I want a prayer group to be formed here made up of people willing to follow Jesus without reservations. Anyone who wants to can join, but I recommend it especially to young people because they are freer from family and work commitments. I will lead the group by giving directions for a holy life. From these spiritual directives others in the world will learn to consecrate themselves to God and will be totally consecrated to me, whatever their state.