Medjugorje: Our Lady advises the visionaries what to do

Janko: Vicka, almost everyone knows that Our Lady advised you soon enough about the choice of your future.
Vicka: Yes. We never hid it.
Janko: What did he tell you?
Vicka: He said it would be good to consecrate ourselves to the Lord completely. To go to a convent or something.
Janko: Did this upset you?
Vicka: I don't know. It depends on each of us.
Janko: Did you have time to reflect?
Vicka: Of course we did. We still have it today. Only Ivan, he had to decide immediately, because he had to immediately enter the seminary if he wanted to.
Janko: What about him?
Vicka: He really decided immediately.
Janko: And is it gone?
Vicka: Yes, it's gone.
Janko: Maybe it was better if he didn't decide in such a hurry. Because we see that afterwards he was a little confused. [He had difficulties in his studies, so he went home].
Vicka: Yes, it's true. Who can know what plans God has for him? This is not easy to understand. You know it better than me.
Janko: Okay, Vicka. And you others have decided something?
Vicka: We had time. We still have it. Maria and I decided early on for the convent; and then we'll see what God wants. This is not known yet.
Janko: Tell me, please. How did Our Lady accept your decision?
Vicka: She was very happy. Few times have I seen her so happy.
Janko: And what did the others decide, if it's not a secret?
Vicka: Maybe yes, maybe not. Decisions don't hide them so much. As far as I know, Ivanka and Mirjana have not decided on the convent. Maybe they still think about it.
Janko: Ivanka also told me that she doesn't have this intention. It seems clear to Mirjana too. We also know from what he intended to do with Fra 'Tomislav on January 10, 1983.
Vicka: The important thing is that you remain good and faithful to God.
Janko: It is so. But do you know anything about Jakov?
Vicka: It is too small. He still doesn't think about it.
Janko: Vicka, that's okay. We will see the rest.