Medjugorje "Our Lady tells you the spiritual goals you must follow"

A 12 and a half year old girl helps us to understand them, all transformed by the Madonna and spiritual guide of the large group of young people for a growth together: Jelena Vasilj. Jelena is the portrait of austerity and contemplation: blue eyes and terse like a mirror that reflects God, absorbed and scrutinizers. Just looking at it moves and recalls the sky. The same things said about Santa Caterina, their "mother" the greatest disciples of her. In his modest modesty he spoke to us in his house, being the interpreter of Arciv himself. Franic, how the gift of the "voice of Mary" that spoke to her developed in her. there had been a push to pray that morning and she had prayed half an hour with her friends before school. Then the angel made himself heard at school and invited him to pray with others every day. For eight days it was the angel who spoke to her and prepared her for the view of the Madonna, exhorting her "to prayer and to a greater consecration and dedication to Mary".

Then Mary came “and His face and voice were more tender. The love that radiates from Mary's face is an unspeakable thing "(sometimes she sees it in a clear vision as well as feeling it).
"What effect does it have when the angel speaks and when Mary speaks?" she was asked.
He replies: “From my opening one voice or the other takes effect; the voice speaks unnecessarily if I don't try to collaborate ”.

"What are the spiritual goals you can indicate to us?
he answers: "Conversion with continuous prayer and fasting not only for us, who must spread them to others, but for all those to whom this voice reaches. We must learn to speak to God in prayer, that is to meditate: we must also know how to cry in prayer. Prayer is not a joke, and concentrate with God. You have to be more attentive to him than to men. In prayer we need to see life more clearly, how we must live our concrete situation. Prayer is a very serious thing, it is a contact with God. We must convert: nobody is truly converted ".

"What are the last things Our Lady said to you?"
He replies: 'An outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the church is needed, without which the world cannot be converted'. To achieve this, Our Lady invited us to a second day of fasting during the week ".

The Holy Spirit does not enter a body full of everything. The welcome and joy for the love of God and his word is not possible if the heart is open to all the voices of the world and its needs: it is the fasting of the heart which must be reached by fasting the body . "Be sober to be able to attend to prayer", said St. Peter. If there is God in the soul, one must not disturb him with the noise, with the chattering spoken but without making noise, Jelena said. Isn't this keeping with the fasting of the tongue the continuous intimate conversation with the Lord?

Just as withdrawing to the mountain or on the sidelines or in deserted places or in one's own room constitutes the life of Jesus, so it must be for every disciple for Jesus to have us at his disposal and to work the transfusion of his Spirit, which changes everything, which introduces us to real life.