Medjugorje: The ascent to Krizevac, a page of the Gospel

The ascent to Krizevac: a page from the Gospel

I was still a seminarian when, for the first time, I heard about Medjugorje. Today, as a priest and at the end of my studies in Rome, I had the grace to accompany a group of pilgrims. Personally I was struck by the fervor with which the thousands of people present in that blessed land prayed and celebrated the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and reconciliation. I leave the judgment on the authenticity of the apparitions to those who are competent in the matter; however, I will always keep the memory of the Via Crucis on the stony path that leads to the top of Krizevac. A hard and long climb, but at the same time very beautiful, where I was able to experience different scenes which, like a page of the Gospel, gave me ideas for meditation.

1. One after the other. Many on the way.
A fact - The evening before our Via Crucis a nun advised us to leave before dawn. We obeyed. I was greatly surprised to see that many groups of pilgrims had preceded us and that some were already on the way down. We therefore had to wait for the people to proceed from one station to another before we too advanced towards the Cross.

A reflection - We know, birth and death are events of natural life. In the Christian life, when we receive baptism, or we get married or consecrate ourselves, we always have who precedes us and who follows us. We are neither the first nor the last. We must therefore respect the older ones in the faith as well as those who come after us. In the Church no one can consider himself alone. The Lord welcomes at all hours; each one undertakes to respond in the moment that is due to him.

A prayer - O Mary, daughter of Israel and mother of the Church, teach us to live the today of our faith knowing how to assimilate the history of the Church and preparing for the future.

2. Unity in diversity. Peace to all.
Fact - I was impressed by the diversity of pilgrims and groups going up and down! We were different, in language, race, age, social background, culture, intellectual formation… But we were equally united, very united. We were all in prayer on the same road, marching towards one goal: Krizevac. Everyone, both individuals and groups, looked after the presence of the others. Wonderful! And the march has always remained harmonious. A reflection - How different the face of the world would be if every man became more aware of his belonging to one big family, the people of God! We would have more peace and harmony if each loved the other for what they are, with their peculiarities, magnitudes and limits! Nobody likes a troubled life. My life is only beautiful when my neighbor's will be as good.

A prayer - O Mary, daughter of our race and chosen by God, teach us to love ourselves as brothers and sisters of the same family and to seek the good of others.

3. The group is enriched. Solidarity and sharing.
A fact - You had to climb step by step towards the summit, spending a few minutes listening, meditating and praying in front of each station. All the members of the group could freely, after reading, express a reflection, an intention or a prayer. In this way the contemplation of the insignia of the Via Crucis, as well as listening to the Word of God and the messages of the Virgin Mary, became richer, more beautiful and led to a deeper prayer. Nobody felt isolated. There was no lack of interventions that brought the mind back to the identity of each one. The minutes spent in front of the stations became an opportunity to share our lives and different points of view; moments of mutual intercession. All turned towards the One who came to share our condition to save us.

A reflection - It is true that faith is personal adhesion, but it is confessed, it increases and bears fruit in the community. Friendship as such multiplies joy and favors the sharing of suffering, but even more so when friendship has its roots in a common faith.

A prayer - O Mary, you who meditated on the passion of your Son among the apostles, teach us to listen to our brothers and sisters and to free ourselves from our selfishness.

4. Don't believe yourself too strong. Humility and mercy.
A fact - The Via Crucis on Krizevac begins with a lot of enthusiasm and determination. The path is such that slips and falls are not uncommon. The body is under great strain and it is easy to run out of energy quickly. Fatigue, thirst and hunger are not lacking ... The weakest are sometimes tempted to repent for having started this arduous undertaking. Seeing someone fall or in need, one is forced to laugh at him and not take care of him.

A reflection - We are still beings of flesh. It can happen to us too to fall and to be thirsty. The three falls of Jesus on the way to Calvary are significant for our life. The Christian life requires strength and courage, faith and perseverance, but also humility and mercy. A prayer - O Mary, mother of the humble, take our labors, our pains and our weaknesses. Entrust them and your Son, the humble Servant who has taken our burdens.

5. When the sacrifice gives life. Love in works.
A fact - Towards the tenth station we passed a group of young people carrying a handicapped young woman on a stretcher. The girl on seeing us greeted us with a big smile. I immediately thought of the Gospel scene of the paralytic presented to Jesus after being lowered from the roof of the house ... The young woman was happy to have been on Krizevac and to have met God there. But alone, without the help of friends, she could not have climbed. If the climb with empty hands is already hard for a normal man, I imagine how much harder it will have been for those who in turn carried that litter on which their sister in Christ was lying.

A reflection - When we love we accept suffering for life and the happiness of being loved. Jesus gave us the greatest example of this. "No one has a greater love than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends" (Jn 15,13:XNUMX), says the crucifix of Golgotha. To love is to have someone to die for!

A prayer - O Mary, you who wept at the foot of the Cross, teach us to accept to suffer for love so that our brothers may have life.

6. The kingdom of God belongs to "children". Smallness.
Fact - A beautiful scene on our walk was to see children getting on and off. They skipped saucy, smiling, innocent. They found it less difficult than adults to scurry on stones. The elders were gradually sitting down to refresh themselves. The little ones echoed in our ears the call of Jesus to become like them to enter his kingdom.

A reflection - The more we believe ourselves to be great, the heavier we become, the harder the climb to "Carmel". A prayer - Mother of the Prince and little servant, teach us to get rid of our prestige and dignity to walk joyfully and serene on the "little way".

7. The joy of moving forward. The comfort of others.
Fact - As we approached the last station, the fatigue increased, but we were carried away with the joy of knowing we would soon arrive. Knowing the reason for your sweat gives you courage. From the beginning of the Via Crucis, and even more towards the end, we met people on the descent who encouraged us, with their fraternal gaze, to move forward. It wasn't uncommon to see a couple holding hands to help each other tackle the steepest spots.

A reflection - Our Christian life is a crossing from the desert to the promised land. The desire to live eternally in the house of the Lord gives us joy and peace, no matter how hard the journey. It is here that the testimony of the saints gives us great comfort, of those who before us followed and served the Lord. We have a relentless need to be supported by each other. Spiritual direction, the testimony of life and sharing and experiences are necessary on the many roads in which we find ourselves.

A prayer - O Mary, our Lady of faith and shared hope, teach us to take advantage of your many visits to still have reason to hope again and advance.

8. Our names are written in the sky. Confidence!
Fact - Here we are. We needed more than three hours to reach the goal. A curiosity: the base on which the large white cross is placed is full of names - of those who have passed through here or of those who have been carried in the heart by pilgrims. I told myself that these names are, for those who wrote them, more than just letters. The choice of names was not free.

A reflection - Even in heaven, our true homeland, our names are written. God, who knows each one by name, awaits us, thinks about us and watches over us. He knows the number of our hairs. All those who have preceded us, the saints, think about us, intercede for us and protect us. Wherever we are and whatever we do we must live according to the sky.

A prayer - O Mary, crowned with pink flowers from heaven, teach us to keep our gaze always turned to the realities above.

9. Descent from the mountain. The mission.
A fact - On arriving on Krizevac we felt the desire to stay as long as possible. We felt good there. Before us stretched the beautiful panorama of Medjugorje, the Marian city. We sang. We laughed. But ... it was necessary to descend. We had to leave the mountain and go home… to resume everyday life. It is there, in daily life that we must experience the wonders of our encounter with the Lord, under the gaze of Mary. A reflection - Many people pray on Krizevac and many live in the world. But Jesus' prayer was filled with his mission: the will of the Father, the salvation of the world. The depth and truth of our prayer is obtained only through our adherence to God's plan of salvation.

A prayer - O Mary, our Lady of Peace, teach us to say yes to the Lord all the days of our life for the kingdom of God to come!

Fr Jean-Basile Mavungu Khoto

Source: Eco di Maria nr. 164