Medjugorje: the visionary Vicka gives us five advice given by Our Lady

. Does Our Lady give the same graces today as at the beginning?

R. Yes, all is that we are open to receive what you want to give us. When we have no problems, we forget to pray. When there are problems, however, we turn to you for help and to solve them. But first of all we must expect what you want to give us; later, we will tell you what we need. What counts is the realization of his plans, which are those of God, not our intentions.

Q. What about young people who feel the emptiness and total absurdity of their life?

R. And because they overshadowed what made real sense. They must change and reserve the first place in their lives for Jesus. How much time they waste at the bar or disco! If they found half an hour to pray, the void would cease.

Q. But how can we give Jesus the first place?

A. Start with prayer to learn about Jesus as a person. It is not enough to say: we believe in God, in Jesus, which are found somewhere or beyond the clouds. We must ask Jesus to give us the strength to meet him in our heart so that he can enter our life and guide us in everything we do. Then progress in prayer.

Q. Why do you always talk about the Cross?

R. Once Mary came with her crucified Son. Just see once how much he suffered for us! But we don't see it and we continue to offend it every day. The Cross is something great for us too, if we accept it. Each has its cross. When you accept it, it is as if it disappeared and then you perceive how much Jesus loves us and what price he paid for us. Suffering is also such a great gift, of which we must be grateful to God. He knows why he gave it to us and even when he will take it away from us: he asks for our patience. Don't say: why me? We do not know the value of suffering before God: we ask for the strength to accept it with love.