Medjugorje: why are you afraid of what will happen?

The Blessed Virgin did not come to spread fear or threaten us with punishment.

In Medjugorje he tells us the good news with a loud voice, thus putting an end to today's pessimism.

Do you want peace? Make peace? Radiate peace?

Sister Emmanuel explains to us how each of us can reach the highest degree of love. We just need to heal (inside)! Why should we only complete 15% of the plan when we can realize it in its fullness? If we make the right choice, "this century will be a time of peace and prosperity for you," says Mary. May this document immensely enrich your spiritual life.

“Come Holy Spirit, Come into our hearts. Open our hearts today to what you have to tell us. We want to change our life; we want to change our way of acting so as to choose Heaven. Oh Father! We ask you to give us this special gift in honor of your Son Jesus whose feast of his sovereignty is celebrated today. Oh Father! Give us the Spirit of Jesus today! Open our hearts to him; open our hearts to Mary and her coming ”.

My dear brothers and sisters, you have heard the message that Our Lady has given us recently. “Dear children, do not forget that this is a time of grace, so pray, pray, pray”. When the mother of God who - by the way - is a Jewish woman, filled with the Spirit of the Bible, tells us "Do not forget", it means that we have forgotten.

It's a gentle way of expressing yourself. It means that you have forgotten, that you are busy, busy with too many things, perhaps good things. You are busy, busy not with essential things, not with (things that have) a purpose, not with Heaven, not with my Son Jesus. You are busy, busy with so many other things and so you forget. You know, in the Bible the words "forget" and "remember" are very important, in fact, throughout the Bible, we are called to remember the goodness of the Lord, to remember what He has done for us from the beginning; this is the meaning of the Jewish prayer and the prayer of Jesus, during the Last Supper, (to remember) how we went from slavery in Egypt to freedom, to being children of God. (To remember) how the Lord frees us from slavery to sin, and the end of everything is to remember how good the Lord is.

It is very important that we do not forget - from morning until evening - that the Spirit continues in prayer to remember the wonders he has done in our lives, and we remember them in prayer and count the blessings received and rejoice in the presence and the action of Our Lord. And today, as we celebrate His sovereignty, let us remember all the gifts He has given us from the beginning. He cries again in Medjugorje: "Dear children, do not forget". What is it that interests you today in the newspapers, in the news on the news, what do you get out of them? You get scared of it. Our Lady told us: this is a time of Grace. It was a short message to wake us up from this "form" of sleep, because we, in our life, have put God "to sleep". Our Lady wakes us up today. Do not forget: this is a time of grace.

These days are days of great graces. My dear brothers and sisters, it can be easy to miss these graces. I will tell you a story, when the Madonna appeared in Paris at the end of the last century, on Rue du Bac. She appeared to a nun, Catherine Laboure ', and she, Maria, had rays that emanated from her hands. Some rays were very bright, and came out of the rings that you had on your fingers. Some rings sent darker rays, did not give off light. He explained to Sister Catherine that the light rays represented all the graces that she could give to her children. Instead, the dark rays were the graces he had not been able to give, because his children had not asked for them. So, you had to hold them back. He waited for the prayers but the prayers did not come, so she could not distribute those graces.

I have two little friends in America, Don and Alicean. At that time (when this story happened) they were 4 and 5 years old and belonged to a very devoted family. They had been given a picture of the apparition of Rue de Bac and they had been told about these rays and when they heard this story they became very sad. The child took the card in his hand and said something like “There are so many graces that are not granted because no one asks for them! ". In the evening, when it was time to go to bed, their mother, passing in front of the slightly open door of their room, saw the two children kneeling at the side of the bed, holding the image of the Blessed Virgin of Rue du Bac, and he heard what they said to Maria. The child, Don, who was only 4 years old, said to his sister "You take the right hand and I take the left hand of the Madonna and we ask the Blessed Virgin to give us those graces that She has held for so long". And kneeling in front of Our Lady, with open hands, they said: “Mother, give us those graces you have never given before. Come on, give us those graces; we beg you to give them to us ”. This is an example for us today. Isn't this a great example that comes to us from our children? God bless them. They received because they trusted and they received because they asked for those graces from their Mother. Wake up, today we have those graces in store for us, for each of us to use! This is a time of grace and Our Lady came to Medjugorje to tell us.

She never said "This is the time of fear and you Americans have to be careful". Our Lady never came to frighten us or to frighten us. Many people come to Medjugorje and (want to know) what does (Our Lady) say about the future? What about those punishments? What does it say about the days of darkness and our future life? What does it say about America? It says "Peace!". He comes for peace, that's the message. What did he say about the future? He said you can have a peacetime and he eagerly awaits it. This is our future; our future is made of peace.

One day, while I was talking to Mirjana, she was sorry that so many people were living in fear, and she shared with me some of the messages of the Blessed Virgin and, listen, listen, remember and spread this message. Our Lady said: "Dear children, in your families (but this also applies to the single individual), the families who choose God as the Father of the family, those who choose Me as the Mother of the family and those who choose the Church as theirs. Home, they have nothing to fear for the future; those families have nothing to fear from secrets. So, remember this, and spread it in this time of great fear that you are experiencing both here in America and elsewhere. Don't fall into a trap. Those families that put God first have nothing to fear. And remember, in the Bible, the Lord tells us 365 times, that is, once for every day, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. And if you allow yourself to be afraid even for one day, it means that that day you are not united with the Spirit of God. Today there is no place for fear. Because'? Because we belong to Christ the King and He reigns, and not the other, the coward.

And there is more ...

In the second stage, through the Bible, we listen to what the Lord feels, and we are open to his world, to his plan, but there is a problem and you know it. We have to give up our will to be open to the will of God. This is the reason why many Christians stop at the first stage; they don't go through that little death that is needed. This little death is due to the fact that we fear, or fear, the will of God. This is because, somehow, the devil has spoken to us.

I remember something that happened in Medjugorje: one day Mirijana, the visionary, was waiting for Our Lady to appear to her. He was praying the Rosary and at the time the Blessed Virgin was supposed to appear, she did not appear. Instead a handsome young man arrived. He was well dressed, he was very very attractive and he spoke to Mirijana: “You don't have to follow Our Lady. If you do this you will have tremendous difficulties and you will be miserable. Instead, you have to follow me and then you will have a happy life. " But Mirijana didn't like anyone speaking ill of Our Lady to her and, stepping back, she said "No". Satan screamed and left. It was Satan, in the guise of a handsome young man, and he wanted to poison Mirijana's mind; more precisely, the poison that "if you go with God and follow Him and Our Lady, you will suffer so much and your life will be made so difficult that you will not be able to live. You will be reduced to being unhappy, but instead, if you follow me, you will be free and happy ”.

Look, this is the most terrible lie he has in store for us. Unfortunately and unconsciously, we have accepted some of that lie and believe it. This is why so many parents pray to God in church like this, “Oh Lord, give us vocations to the priesthood. Oh Lord, give us vocations to a completely consecrated life but please Lord, take them from neighbors but not from my family. You never know what could happen to my children if you choose them from my family! " There is this kind of fear: "If I follow God, I better do as I please, it's safer". This is a deception and it comes directly from the devil. Never listen to that voice, because God's plan for us is nothing but an incredible happiness in heaven that can also begin here on earth. This is the plan, and the one who decides to do God's will, to obey the Commandments of Jesus Christ, our King, that person is the happiest on earth. Do you believe this? Praised be the Lord!

We enter the beautiful second stage of prayer, when we are open to God's desire, will and plan in our life, and we are ready to write a blank check and say, "Lord, I know that when you created me you placed a hope. amazing in me and in my life. Lord, I want with all of myself, to satisfy that hope. This is your happiness and mine. Lord, let me know your will so that I can satisfy it. I give up my plans; I announce the death of my ego, (I will do) whatever is necessary to kill it. "

Do you know that our ego is a worse enemy to us than Satan? Did you know? Because Satan is a guy who is outside of us, but our ego is right here, inside of us. When (Satan) works on it, it becomes very dangerous. So hate your ego and love God. The two don't get along. In the midst of our lives the Lord will heal us and choose us. The Lord will make sure that we recover our beautiful identity as children of God, which has been given to us from the beginning, and (he will make sure that we have) Mary as our Mother.

She makes sure that we find our true beauty, that we find our personality in the heart of the Creator, and that we are washed away by those corruptions that ruined us through our sins, those of our parents and of society.

Let's enter this dialogue. We tell the Lord what our desires are. For example, a young man wishes to get married. First of all he must ask if he has the desire to marry a very good person. "Lord! I kneel in front of You. Let me know which is your plan that I open up to; and I write the check and You write what your plan is; my yes and my signature are already there. From now on I say Yes to what you will whisper in my heart. And Lord, if your plan for me is for me to marry, Lord, choose yourself the person you would like me to marry. I abandon myself to You and I am not afraid, and I do not want to use the means of the world. Today I meet that person, I am sure that it is the one you have chosen for me and, Lord, I will say yes. Lord, from now on I pray for that person who according to your plans will be my husband, my wife and I will not abuse my body because I want to be ready for the one you have in store for me. I will not follow the ways of the world because the Lord never taught in the Gospel: do what the world offers you. But He said: follow me, and here is the difference. Today many Christians say: "I do this and it may be wrong, but everyone does it". Is this the light we have received from the Gospel? Everybody does it and so I have to do it too so I don't get marked. No, even in the time of Jesus, everyone did certain things but Jesus told us "Beware of this corrupt generation", follow Him and the Gospel. This, you know, is the only way to have eternal life.

When we reach this second stage of prayer, we are ready to give up everything that is not of God, to follow the Gospel and to follow the messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje. My dear brothers and sisters, let us try to be practical today. It may be that we will never meet again in this world, but we have that appointment in Heaven. However, before this happens, I want to be sure that everyone is offered the opportunity to reach the second stage of prayer.

Now I offer you a moment of silent prayer, in which we will entrust to the Blessed Virgin our fears about God, our fears of a God who punishes and who hurts us, who has a terrible plan for us. You know, all those terrible ideas that the world has of God: that he is the one who sends the difficulties, who pronounces the judgment. He's the bad guy, judging from what you read in the newspapers and what the media say. But I want to give all my fears and my wrong concepts to Our Lady. She will throw everything in the trash. It will help me heal these fears and I will write my blank check to the Lord.

From the bottom of my heart I will say “Lord, may your will be done for me, all you have in store for me. I sign my yes and my name. From now on, You decide for my life and from now on, in prayer, You will tell me what to do ”. Let's close our eyes. Remember what Jesus said to Sister Faustina, if you know that prayer, said from the bottom of your heart, "May your will be done for me and not mine"; this simple prayer takes you to the apex of Holiness. Isn't it incredible that today, for the feast of Christ the King, we are all at the apex of Holiness! Now let us pray and let the Lord hear our voice, full of love for him.

Thank you sir for this, the most beautiful plan for each of our lives.

I remember that in Medjugorje, in 1992, while we were preparing for Christmas, people were afraid because of the war. We saw the massacres on television, the houses burned, and also other things that I won't talk about today. It was war and it was cruel. Nine days before Christmas, on the mountain, Our Lady told us through Ivan “Children, get ready for Christmas. I want this Christmas to be different from other Christmases ”We thought“ Oh my God! There is war, it will be a very sad Christmas ”and then you know what he added? “I want this Christmas to be more joyful than previous Christmases. Dear children, I call all your families to be full of joy as we were in the stable when my Son Jesus was born. ”What? It is time of war and she dares to say "more joyful, as we, that day in the stable, were full of joy". The fact is, we have two ways of behaving when difficulties come. Either we watch television and we see all the world's problems and catastrophes and we are then taken by fear or we look at another image and see what is in the heart of God. We contemplate Our Lord and Our Mother. We contemplate Heaven and then you know what happens. Then the Joy, the Happiness, the Eternal Light enter within us. Then we become bearers of light and peace and then we change the world, from darkness to the light of God. This is the plan; don't miss the train! Pray to God and you will have His treasures.

How can we get rid of these fears? By means of contemplative people who will receive in their hearts the beauty of the Lord and the beauty of the Madonna and then our world will change from a world of fear to a world of peace. This is the plan and message of the Blessed Virgin. She never spoke of the three days of darkness and the visionaries are angry and embarrassed when they hear all this, because Our Lady did not come to prophesy the three days of darkness. It came for the day of Peace. This is the message.

You know, She has given us the key to receiving those incredible graces that are in store for us in these days of great graces. He said: "So, dear children, pray pray pray". This is the key. Some think that you are a little old now, after two thousand years, and that is why you always repeat the same words. If you look in the Bible, you will find the same words many times; this has a strong meaning; it means that there are various degrees of prayer and most Christians, unfortunately, are stuck on the first step. Raise your hand if you want to reach the third step. How good you are! If you want it, you will find the means and you will succeed.

Pursue what you have decided to achieve, but crave it. He who strongly desires something, manages to have it. Believe me, if you want to reach the third step, you will succeed. What is the first step? It is a good step, in fact it is better than being a disbeliever and not knowing God. The first step is when we know God, when we decide to be Christians and to follow the Lord. What we know about him is that he is very good and very powerful. It is nice to have a God, otherwise we would feel completely abandoned in this world. When we are in need, we remember that He is there and we ask for his help. So at this stage we pray like this:

"Oh Lord, You are so good and you are so powerful, You know I need this and I need this, please grant me. I'm sick, please, Lord heal me. My son takes drugs, oh Lord, please free him from drugs! My daughter is taking a bad turn, please bring her back to the right path. Lord, oh Lord I would like to find a good husband for my sister, Lord, let her meet this person. Oh Lord, I feel lonely, give me some friends. Oh Lord, I want to pass the exams. Oh Lord, send out Your Holy Spirit so I can pass the exams. Oh Lord, I'm poor, I have nothing in my bank account. Lord, provide why I need, oh Lord. Lord, please do it for me! " OK. I'm not kidding, NO! This is right because God is our Father and He knows how to give us what we need.

You feel this is some kind of monologue. There is something incomplete here. We turn to God when we need Him to provide. We use God as the servant of our needs and plans, because my plan is healing. So He becomes the servant of what I think, of what I want, of what I desire. "You must do it". Some go even further: “Lord, give it to me”. And if they have no answer, they forget about God.

This is a monologue

For those who want to reach the second stage of prayer, I will tell you what it is. By praying like this, after the first step, you will discover that perhaps the One you speak to, perhaps He himself has his thoughts, perhaps he has a heart, perhaps he has feelings, perhaps he has a plan for your life. This is not a bad thought. So what happens? We realize that so far we have spoken to ourselves. Anyway, now we want to get intimate with him and we want to know more about him. So far: Oh Lord! I told you what to do and I explained it very well, in case you weren't very good and didn't know what to do.

Because you know, some people tell the Blessed Virgin what to do with their husband, wife, children and point out every little detail of how you should act with them, as if you were a child.

Now we enter into a dialogue and we are aware that God, the Lord, Our Lady have their feelings, their thoughts and that this can be very interesting, and why shouldn't it? This will be more interesting than our plans, our feelings and our thoughts. Don't you think? Are their feelings, their plans and what they want for us no longer interesting?

We will enter with an open heart and we will be ready to receive from Jesus what He is ready to tell us, what secrets of love he has in store for us. In prayer we have now reached the time when we will have a conversation with the Lord. And Mary said in Medjugorje: "prayer is conversing with God". If you ask the Holy Spirit something, if you have a need, He will always answer you, and for those of you who have never been answered, I tell you to open your hearts completely - because the Lord always answers our calls, our needs, our opening our hearts. He wants to talk to us. I remember that in a message given to Sister Faustina of Poland, He spoke to her about silence. “Silence is very important. On the contrary, a chattering soul cannot hear the whisper of my voice inside her, as the noise covers my voice. When you are gathered in prayer, make sure there are no noises, so that you can hear deep in your heart ”. It's not a phone call; it is not a fax that has to arrive; it is not an e-mail from the Lord.

It is a murmur of love, gentle, sweet and delicate, what will be given to you; please get into that conversation. Make sure to find that room full of peace, to pray to your Father in secret, and the Lord will answer you and direct your soul, your mind, your spirit towards the goal of Heaven. Even if you don't hear this voice very clearly, you will be retuned; focus on the goal that is Paradise.