'Medjugorje saved my daughter'


Anita Barberio was in the belt of Emilia, when from the morphology (in the fourth month of pregnancy) it emerges that her daughter was affected by spina bifida, hydrocephalus, hypoplasia, dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. The doctors claimed that the girl would be paraplegic, but Anita chose to continue the pregnancy, entrusting her hopes to her prayer, from the Catholic community in her country, and to the intercession of Our Lady of Medjugorje.

As soon as she is born, Emilia undergoes a surgery, but instead of staying in the hospital for 4 months, she stays there for 11 days. The prayers had obviously had an effect, if the tragic conditions with which Emilia should have lived, prove to be less problematic than expected: the legs can move them, contrary to any forecast.

When her family takes her to Medjugorje, to thank Our Lady for having listened to their prayers, Emilia burst into a liberating cry, and as soon as she puts her feet on the ground, her parents witness a real rebirth. The girl moves all her limbs, suddenly with great mastery. Now Emilia is 4 years old and her announced problems are a distant, but very close memory.

Source: cristianità.it