Month of September dedicated to the Angels, the powerful devotion to San Michele

After Mary Most Holy, St. Michael the Archangel is the most glorious, the most powerful creature out of the hands of God. Chosen by the Lord as Prime Minister of the Holy Trinity, Prince of the Heavenly Army, Guardian, before the Synagogue, then the Church, San Michele has been highly revered since ancient times. The Old and New Testaments speak of him, of his power, of his appearances, of his intercession, of the dominion entrusted to him over all men by the Supreme Goodness of the Almighty. The Popes did not fail to recommend the Devotion to St. Michael to the Faithful.


The terrestrial palace of San Michele is located in the Gargano, on the sacred mountain in the name of the Archangel: "Monte Sant'Angelo"; it was chosen by himself after three wonderful apparitions to the bishop Lorenzo Malorano (490). Here is the story of these apparitions on Monte Gargano.


San Michele first appeared on May 8, 490. A wealthy lord of Siponto lost the most beautiful bull of his herd. After three days of research, he found him in an almost inaccessible cave in the Gargano. Enraged that he could not get it back, he wanted to kill him and shot him an arrow. But, oh wonder, halfway, the arrow came back and hit the archer in the arm. Amazed, the gentleman went to visit the bishop of Siponto, Lorenzo Maiorano, to be enlightened. He ordered a three-day fast and public prayers. On the third day, St. Michael appeared to the Bishop, telling him that he was the author of the wonder of the cave and that this would be, from now on, his Sanctuary on earth.

SECOND APPARITION (September 12, 492)

A few years later, the Sipontini were besieged by the barbarian army of Odoacre, king of the Eruli. Seeing themselves on the verge of perishing, they appealed to the holy bishop Lorenzo Maiorano; He asked and obtained the protection of the Archangel: St. Michael appeared to him, promising him victory. Three days later, the air darkened, a terrible storm broke out, the sea was upset. The hordes of Odoacre, struck by lightning, fled in fear. The city was safe.

THIRD APPARITION (29 September 493)

The following year, to devoutly celebrate the Archangel and thank him for the liberation of the city, the Bishop of Siponto asked the Pope, Gelasius I, for consent to consecrate the Grotto and establish the day of this Dedication. On the night from 28 to 29 September 493, San Michele appeared a third time to Bishop Lorenzo Maiorano, saying to him: "It is not necessary for you to dedicate this church ... because I have already consecrated it ... You, celebrate the Holy Mysteries ... L the following morning, several bishops and the people went in procession to the Gargano. Entering the cave, they found it full of light. A stone altar was already raised and covered with a purple pallium. Then the holy bishop celebrated the first 5. Mass, in the presence of the bishops and all the people.

FOURTH APPARITION (September 22, 1656)

Twelve centuries later, the plague raged in Naples and throughout the kingdom. After Foggia, where almost half the people died, Manfredonia was threatened. The bishop, Giovanni Puccinelli, appealed to San Michele, asking him, in the Sacred Grotto, with all the clergy and all the people, for his powerful help. At dawn on September 22, 1656, in a great light, he saw Saint Michael, who said to him: “Know, O Shepherd of these sheep, that I am the Archangel Michael; I impetrated from the Most Holy Trinity that whoever uses the stones of my Grotto with devotion will remove the plague from the houses, from the cities, and from everywhere. Practice and tell everyone about Divine Grace. You will bless the stones, carving on them the sign of the Cross with my Name ”. And the plague was overcome.



Angelic crown shape

The crown used to recite the "Angelic Chaplet" is made up of nine parts, each of three grains for the Ave Maria, preceded by a grain for our Father. The four grains that precede the medal with the effigy of St. Michael the Archangel, remember that after the invocation to the nine angelic choirs, four more Our Father must be recited in honor of the Archangel Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and of the Holy Guardian Angel.

Origin of the angelic crown

This pious exercise was revealed by Archangel Michael himself to the servant of God Antonia de Astonac in Portugal.

Appearing to the Servant of God, the Prince of Angels said that he wanted to be revered with nine invocations in memory of the nine Choirs of Angels.

Each invocation had to include the memory of an angelic choir and the recitation of our Father and three Hail Marys and end with the recitation of four Our Father: the first in his honor, the other three in honor of S. Gabriele, S. Raffaele and of the Guardian Angels. The Archangel still promised to obtain from God that the one who had venerated him with the recitation of this chaplet before Communion, would be accompanied to the sacred table by an Angel from each of the nine choirs. To those who recited it every day he promised the continuous particular assistance of himself and of all the holy Angels during life and in Purgatory after death. Although these revelations are not officially recognized by the Church, nevertheless such pious practice spread among the devotees of the Archangel Michael and the holy Angels.

The hope of receiving the promised graces was nourished and supported by the fact that the Supreme Pontiff Pius IX enriched this pious and salutary exercise with numerous indulgences.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O God come to save me, Lord, come quickly to my aid.

Glory to the Father



Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Celestial Choir of the Seraphim, may the Lord make us worthy of the flame of perfect charity. So be it.

1 Pater and 3 Ave at the 1st Angelic Choir.


Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Celestial Choir of the Cherubim, the Lord will give us the grace to abandon the path of sin and run that of Christian perfection. So be it.

1 Pater and 3 Ave at the 2st Angelic Choir.


Through the intercession of St. Michael and the sacred Choir of Thrones, the Lord infuses our hearts with the spirit of true and sincere humility. So be it.

1 Pater and 3 Ave at the 3st Angelic Choir.


Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Dominations, the Lord gives us the grace to dominate our senses and correct corrupt passions. So be it.

1 Pater and 3 Ave at the 4st Angelic Choir.


Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Celestial Choir of Powers, the Lord deigns to protect our souls from the snares and temptations of the devil. So be it.

1 Pater and 3 Ave at the 5st Angelic Choir.


Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the Choir of the admirable heavenly Virtues, the Lord will not allow us to fall into temptations, but free us from evil. So be it.

1 Pater and 3 Ave at the 5st Angelic Choir.


Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of the Principalities, God fill our souls with the spirit of true and sincere obedience. So be it.

1 Pater and 3 Ave at the 7st Angelic Choir.


Through the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of the Archangels, the Lord grant us the gift of perseverance in faith and in good works, in order to be able to acquire the glory of Paradise. So be it.

1 Pater and 3 Ave at the 8th Angelic Choir.


Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Celestial Choir of all the Angels, the Lord deigns to grant us to be guarded by them in the present mortal life and then led to the eternal glory of Heaven. So be it.

1 Pater and 3 Ave at the 9st Angelic Choir.