Mass of the day: Sunday 21 July 2019

Sunday July 21 2019
Mass of the Day

Green Liturgical Color
Behold, God comes to my aid,
the Lord supports my soul.
I will gladly offer you sacrifices
and I will praise your name, Lord, because you are good. (Ps 53,6: 8-XNUMX)

Be propitious to us your faithful, Lord,
and give us the treasures of your grace,
because, burning with hope, faith and charity,
we always remain faithful to your commandments.
For our Lord Jesus Christ ...


Wise and merciful father,
give us a humble and mild heart,
to hear the word of your Son
which still resounds in the Church,
gathered in his name,
and to welcome him and serve him as a guest
in the person of our brothers.
For our Lord Jesus Christ ...

First Reading
Lord, do not go further without stopping by your servant.
From the book of Gènesi
Gen 18,1: 10-XNUMXa

In those days, the Lord appeared to Abraham in the Oaks of Mamre, while he sat at the entrance of the tent in the hottest hour of the day.

He looked up and saw that three men stood beside him. As soon as he saw them, he ran towards them from the entrance of the tent and prostrated himself to the ground, saying: «My lord, if I have found grace in your eyes, do not pass by without stopping by your servant. Go get some water, wash your feet and sit under the tree. I'll go get a bite of bread and refresh yourself; you can go on later, because that is why you went to your servant ». They said, "Do as you said."

Then Abraham hurriedly went to the tent, to Sara, and said: "Quickly, three sea of ​​flour, knead it and make buns." Abraham ran to the herd himself; he took a tender and good calf and gave it to the servant, who hurried to prepare it. He took cream and fresh milk together with the veal, which he had prepared, and handed them to them. So while he stood beside them under the tree, they ate.

Then they said to him, "Where is Sara your wife?" He replied, "He is there in the tent." He continued: "I will return to you in a year on this date and then Sara, your wife, will have a son."

God's word

Responsorial Psalm
From Psalm 14 (15)
R. Whoever fears the Lord will live in his tent.
He who walks without guilt,
practice justice
and says the truth in his heart,
he does not spread slander with his tongue. R.

It does no harm to your neighbor
and does not insult his neighbor.
In his eyes the wicked is despicable,
but honor those who fear the Lord. R.

It does not lend its money to usury
and does not accept gifts against the innocent.
He who acts in this way
will remain firm forever. R.

Second reading
The mystery hidden for centuries is now manifested to the saints.
From the letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Colossians
Col 1,24-28

Brothers, I am happy in the sufferings that I endure for you and I fulfill what, of the sufferings of Christ, is missing in my flesh, in favor of his body which is the Church.

I became minister of it, according to the mission entrusted by God to you to bring to fulfillment the word of God, the mystery hidden for centuries and generations, but now manifested to his saints.

To them God wanted to make known the glorious richness of this mystery among people: Christ in you, hope of glory. Indeed, it is he whom we proclaim, admonishing each man and instructing each with all wisdom, to make each man perfect in Christ.

God's word

Gospel acclamation
Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Blessed are those who guard the word of God
with a whole and good heart,
and they produce fruit with perseverance. (See Lk 8,15:XNUMX)


Martha hosted him. Maria chose the best part.
From the Gospel according to Luke
Lc 10,38-42

At that time, while they were on the way, Jesus entered a village and a woman, named Martha, hosted him.

She had a sister named Mary, who, sitting at the Lord's feet, listened to his word. Marta, however, was distracted for the many services.

Then he came forward and said, "Sir, don't you care what my sister left me alone to serve?" So tell her to help me. ' But the Lord answered her: «Martha, Martha, you are worried and agitated for many things, but only one thing is needed. Maria has chosen the best part, which will not be taken away from her ».

Word of the Lord

On offers
O God, who in the one and perfect sacrifice of Christ
you have given value and fulfillment to the many victims of the ancient law,
welcome and sanctify our offer as one day you blessed the gifts of Abel,
and what each of us presents in your honor helps the salvation of all.
For Christ our Lord.

Communion antiphon
He left a memory of his wonders:
the Lord is good and merciful,
he gives food to those who fear him. (Ps 110,4-5)


«Here I am at the door and I knock» says the Lord.
"If anyone listens to my voice and opens me,
I will come to him, I will dine with him and he with me ». (Ap 3,20)

«Be merciful, as he is merciful
your Father »says the Lord. (Lk 6,36)

After communion
Assist, Lord, your people,
that you have filled with the grace of these holy mysteries,
and let us pass from the decay of sin
to the fullness of new life.
For Christ our Lord.