Messages from God the Father: 20 June 2020

Dear my son, whoever believes in me will live forever, whoever believes in me will obtain every grace. You must know that although you are good at doing so many things in this world, the real graces, the impossible things come only from me. I who am your God, your Heavenly Father, I who created you and I woven your limbs, I am ready to give you all the graces necessary for your good.

Do not live as if you were the master of your life. I want every creature, every man, to have love for me as I have for him. Ask me for any grace and I will grant it to you. I don't want to keep celestial treasures for myself but I want to give each of you everything you need. Today, in this message, I want to insist and talk about the graces that come from me. Many of you don't receive graces just for their unbelief. I am ready to distribute every spiritual and material grace for each of you but for your lack of faith they lose all their effectiveness.

Dear my children. Ask me for the graces and believe in me. Your life is simple, beautiful, serene, joyful. Instead, you are making your life difficult and complicated. You want to solve problems, you want to dominate every situation. Have faith in me, entrust your life to me, ask for what you want and it will be granted to you. I am ready to give much more than you ask for.

I, who am your God, am waiting for you, I am here, to give you all the graces you ask for and need to make your life wonderful, a true masterpiece of eternal love. I love you all.

Written by Paolo Tescione