Messages from God the Father: June 21, 2020

My dear son, you men are now immersed in your business, in your business. You have all taken a wrong turn in your life. You cannot devote hours and hours of the day to business and not think about your God for a few minutes. You are living in full error, you have strayed from the truth.

I as Father want to open your eyes to truth. At the end of your life you will not be judged on the money earned or on the accumulated treasures but on the faith you have had and practiced. Dear my children, many of you risk reaching the end of their existence without giving a real concrete sense, real but only appearance, smoke that becomes nothing.

Even if only one day is missing from your earthly existence, try to dedicate it to me. Even a single day of faith can make you understand what matters in life and give you the eternal grace of salvation. Do not lose hope, come closer to me, understand that all your wealth will be lost instead of what is soul, what is eternal remains forever.

My children understand what you say to yourself for your good I who am your Heavenly Father and I love all my creatures.

Written by Paolo Tescione