Messages and secrets of Medjugorje. What you need to know

Messages and secrets of Medjugorje

In 26 years, 50 million people, driven by faith and curiosity, have climbed the mountain where the Madonna appeared

Since 1981, regardless of skeptics and hostiles, Our Lady of Medjugorje continues to appear, on the twenty-fifth of each month, to her visionaries, now in their forties, who chose to transmit her messages to the world. Vicka, Ivan, Mirjana, Ivanka, Jakov and Marija were not communication gurus, but poor teenagers who grazed meager sheep on the rocks of Bosnia, then Yugoslavia, oppressed by a shaky communist dictatorship. In these twenty-six years, the messages have been around one thousand five hundred and have attracted at least fifty million pilgrims to the village of Medjugorje.

They all begin with a "Dear children ..." and end with an inevitable: "Thanks for answering my call". A phenomenon that has never happened before, almost completely ignored by the mass media, if not even misrepresented or mocked. The Vatican never pronounced on the apparitions, perhaps waiting for their end, to issue a definitive and unappealable judgment. The Mother of Jesus, (or Gospa, as they call her there) through her messages, wants to save humanity from catastrophe, but to do this, she needs the collaboration of men who must return to God and turn their hearts of stone, hardened by hatred and vices, in hearts of flesh, open to love and forgiveness. In his messages he never speaks of the end of the world, but he often mentions Satan as an opponent of God and opponent of his plans for salvation. He says that Satan today is unleashed - that is, loosened by chains - and we see this also from the tragic news that flows on our newscasts. However, she is determined to defeat the prince of darkness and shows us five stones with which to overcome him and remove him from the world. The five weapons he offers us are neither destructive nor sophisticated, but simple as the petals of a beautiful flower. They are the rosary, daily reading of the Bible, monthly confession, fasting (Wednesday and Friday only bread and water) and the Eucharist. It doesn't take long to defeat evil. But few believe it. The communist rulers of the then Yugoslavia, who mobilized their efficient police force to stifle that outrageous phenomenon in the bud, did not believe it either. There was no point in locking the boys in the Mostar psychiatric hospital or imprisoning and filling Father Jozo, the first parish priest of Medjugorje, with a beating. To disappear was the atheist communist regime which, with its claim to eliminate God from the hearts of men, was overwhelmed by history and its own contradictions.

But that is not all. What most fascinates and disturbs are the ten secrets that Our Lady has entrusted to her visionaries. Futuristic mysteries of which nothing is known, even if, from the sewn mouths of the boys, something has leaked. Some of the ten secrets seem to concern terrible trials that will come upon the earth, due to the cruelty and corruption of men. The third will be a visible, lasting, beautiful and indestructible sign on Mount Podbrdo. And on this secret, in the message of July 19, 1981, Our Lady said: "Even when on the hill I leave the sign that I promised you, many will not believe".
The seventh secret seems to be the most terrifying for humanity, but they say they have been greatly mitigated by the prayers of the faithful.

In Our Lady's words, the distressing aspect gives way to hope. Indeed, it ensures that in time space, we do not know whether years, decades or centuries, in which the ten secrets will occur, the power of satan will be destroyed. And if Satan's power is destroyed, it means that peace will finally reign on our turbulent planet. What could be more disturbing and, at the same time, more reassuring? Nothing. Even non-believers do not remain skeptical.

Giancarlo Giannotti

