Message from God the Father October 5, 2020

pray the "Our Father". This prayer dictated by my son Jesus was given to you to make you understand that I am your father and that you are all brothers. When you pray, do not go in a hurry but meditate on every word. This prayer shows you the way to go and what to do.
Whoever prays with the heart follows my will. Those who pray with the heart carry out the plans of life that I have prepared for every man. Whoever prays completes the mission that I have entrusted to him in this world. Whoever prays will one day come to my kingdom. Prayer makes you good, merciful, compassionate, just as I am with you. Follow the teachings of my son Jesus. He always prayed to me when he had to make important choices and I gave him the divine light necessary to do my will. You do the same too.

Taken from "my dialogue with God" by Paolo Tescione