Message given to Medjugorje on July 2, 2016


“Dear children, my true presence here with you, a living presence among you, must make you happy: this is a great love of my Son. He sends me among you. With motherly love I give you security, if you understand, that in suffering and joy, in suffering and in love, your soul lives in Jesus. Another time I call you, praise the heart of Jesus, heart of faith, of the Eucharist . Day after day, for eternity, my Son, returns alive among you. Come back among you but He never left you. When one of my children returns to him, my motherly heart rejoices. Therefore my children, return to the Eucharist, to my Son. The road to my Son is hard, full of sacrifices, but in the end there is always a light. I understand your pains, your sufferings and with maternal love I dry your tears. Trust my Son, because He will do for you what you cannot even ask. You, my children, you must be concerned only for your soul, because your soul is the only thing that belongs to you on earth, your soul will bring it dirty or pure in front of Heavenly Father. Always remember to believe and recognize the love of my Son. I ask you, in a special way, to pray for those whom my Son has called to live for him and to love their people. Thank you". Our Lady blessed all those present and all the objects brought.