Message given to Medjugorje on May 2, 2017

“Dear children, I invite you to pray not by asking, but by offering sacrifices, by sacrificing yourselves. I invite you to announce the truth and to merciful love. I pray to My Son for you, for your faith that decreases more and more in your hearts. I pray to you to help you with the Divine Spirit, just as I also wish to help you with the maternal spirit. My children you must be better, only those who are pure, humble and full of love support the world, save themselves and the world. My children, My Son is the heart of the world, we must love and pray to him and not betray him always and again. Therefore you, apostles of my love, spread the faith in the hearts of men, with your example, with prayer and with merciful love. I am next to you and I will help you. Pray that your shepherds will have more and more light to be able to radiate all those who live in darkness. Thank you."