Our Lady's message 24 November 2019

Dear my son,
today I want to talk to you about Sunday. Sunday for you Christians is not an ordinary day, Sunday for you is the day when Jesus inaugurates the Kingdom of Heaven and opens the doors to all men to eternal life. On this day Jesus overcame death, made me children of God, defeated the devil. You all Christians on this day must spend it in the family, in rest, you must live in the assembly of the faithful where all together you must give praise to God. Be careful of many of you who are waiting for Sunday for your entertainment, spend this day for satisfy your material things. Sunday is the day of the soul. Sunday is the day of life and the day on which God the Father makes an eternal covenant with humanity. If every day of the week you are called to do your duty, Sunday is consecrated to God and you are called to restore your soul and cleanse yourself of all the waste that takes you away from spirituality.

Most Holy Virgin, who in Fatima revealed the treasures of graces hidden in the practice of the Holy Rosary to the world, instill in our hearts a great love for this holy devotion, so that, meditating on the mysteries contained in it, we will reap the fruits and obtain grace that with this prayer we ask you, for the greater glory of God and for the benefit of our souls. So be it.

7 Ave Maria

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Mary, Mother of Jesus and of the Church, we need you. We desire the light that radiates from your goodness, the comfort that comes to us from your Immaculate Heart, the charity and peace of which You are Queen. We confidently entrust our needs to you so that you may help them, our pains to soothe you, our evils to heal them, our bodies to make you clean, our hearts to be full of love and contrition, and our souls to be saved with your help. Remember, Mother of kindness, that Jesus refuses anything to your prayers. Give relief to the souls of the dead, healing for the sick, purity for the young, faith and harmony for families, peace for humanity. Call the wanderers on the right path, give us many vocations and holy priests, protect the Pope, the Bishops and the holy Church of God. Mary, listen to us and have mercy on us. Turn your merciful eyes upon us. After this exile, show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb, or merciful, or pious, or sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.