Extraordinary message of Our Lady, 1 May 2020

We live not only in work, but also in prayer. Your works will not go well without prayer. Offer your time to God! Abandon yourself to him! Let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit! And then you will see that your work will also go better and you will also have more free time.

This message was given on May 2, 1983 by Our Lady but we present it again in our daily diary dedicated to Medjugorje since we consider it more current than ever.

Extract from the Bible that can help us understand this message.

Tobias 12,8-12
Good thing is prayer with fasting and almsgiving with justice. Better the little with justice than wealth with injustice. It is better to give alms than to put aside gold. Begging saves from death and purifies from all sin. Those who give alms will enjoy long life. Those who commit sin and injustice are enemies of their lives. I want to show you the whole truth, without hiding anything: I have already taught you that it is good to hide the king's secret, while it is glorious to reveal the works of God. Know therefore that, when you and Sara were in prayer, I would present the witness of your prayer before the glory of the Lord. So even when you buried the dead.

Exodus 20, 8-11
Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it: six days you will work hard and do all your work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath in honor of the Lord your God: you will not do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your slave, nor your slave, nor your cattle, nor the stranger who dwells with you. Because in six days the Lord made heaven and earth and sea and what is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and declared it sacred.