They asked me "what religion are you?" I replied "I am the son of God"

Today I want to undertake a speech made by few, a speech that nobody learns just because a man's life is based on his belief, on his religion, instead of understanding that the center of gravity of life must be one's soul and relationship with God.

From this sentence just written I want to reveal a truth that few know.

Many men base their lives on the beliefs they receive from their religion, often not even chosen by them but by the family or inherited. Their life, their choices, their destiny are enough on this religion. There is actually no more wrong thing than this. Religion while referring to some spiritual masters is something created by men, managed by men and their laws also inspired by masters but formed by men. We can consider religions as political parties based on moral laws, in fact the greatest divisions and wars between men originate in religion.

Do you think God is a creator who wants wars and divisions? It often happens to hear that some go to confession to the priests without having absolution of sins since their behavior is against the principles of the Church. But do you know some steps in the Gospel where Jesus condemns or does he accept and have compassion for everyone?

This is the meaning I want to convey. The war of the Muslims, the condemnation of the Catholics, the raging pace of life of the Orientals does not coincide with the teaching of Muhammad, Jesus, Buddha.

So I tell you not to push your thinking into religion but into the teaching of the spiritual masters. I can be a Catholic but I follow the Gospel of Jesus and act conscientiously but I don't need to follow a sequence of rules that are difficult to understand and I have to ask an priest for an explanation.

So when someone asks you what religion you are you answer "I am the son of God and brother of all". Replace religion with spirituality and act according to conscience following the teaching of God's envoys.

For practices and prayers do according to conscience and do not listen to what many pundits tell you, prayer comes from the heart.

This is not my revolutionary speech but it is to make you understand that religion is born from the soul and not from the mind therefore not from logical choices but from feelings. The soul, the spirit, the relationship with God is at the center of everything and not well-articulated speeches and laws made by people.

Fill yourself with God and not with words.

By now I am convinced that in the middle of the years of my life while many have known stories, art, science and crafts to me God wanted to grant a different gift, to know the truth. Not for my merits but for his Mercy and I transmit to you everything that consciousness in close contact with the Creator pushes me to transmit.

By Paolo Tescione