Jesus says: my mother does not deny any grace for those who say this prayer

Jesus and the dictated prayer from the Madonna. “Around five I was in the sacristy to confess. After the examination of conscience, while waiting for my turn, I started doing the chaplet of the Madonna. Using the Rosary, instead of the "Hail Marys", I said ten times "Mary, my Hope, my Confidence" and instead of the "Pater Noster" "Remember…". Jesus then said to me:

“If you only knew how much the Mother enjoys mine in hearing such a prayer: She cannot deny you any grace, she will lavish abundant graces on those who recite it, as long as they have great confidence ”.

Jesus and the recitation of the chaplet: the practice

With the commune rosary crown. On coarse grains it is said:

Remember, O most pure Virgin Mary, it has never been heard in the world that anyone has resorted to your patronage, begged for your help, asked for your protection and was abandoned. Animated by this confidence, to you I turn, O Mother, O Virgin of virgins, to you I come and, contrite sinner, I bow down before you. Do not want, oh Mother of the Word, to despise my prayers, but hear me propitiously and hear me. Amen.

On small grains says: Maria, my Hope, my Confidence

Sometimes we tend to push the Will of God faster than God chose to move. As a result, we end up doing our will and not God's. The key is patience. We must wait patiently for the Lord to act in us so that he is the One who does all things through us. Indeed, the act of patience is something that God desires strongly in our life. With patience, we are able to let go of our will and ideas and watch the Lord accomplish much more than we could ever do alone. We must be diligent and answer the Lord when he opens a door or points the way, but we must wait for Him to open and point (see Journal No. 693).

saint faustina

What are you from impatient in life? What do you want God to move faster in? Reflect on this inner struggle and know that the virtue of patience opens the door to guidance and to grace that God wants to give. Let him do things in his own time and in his own way and you will find that his ways are far above yours.

Lord, I know that your ways are infinitely above mine and that your thoughts must be chosen over mine. Give me the grace patience in all things. Help me expect you and trust that your mercy will be granted in abundance in accordance with your perfect wisdom. Jesus I believe in you.

Now recite the chaplet to Divine Mercy and ask for a grace