The powerful prayer for a grace (written by Mother Providence)


Let us recite this beautiful prayer with divine faith and joy to Divine Providence composed of Mother Providence, Founder of numerous Religious Works, recited on her pilgrim journeys. Let us not forget the words of Jesus which are true and eternal: «Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you "(Mt 7, 7). At any moment of life we ​​ask the Father and he will give us everything we need.

Providence of God

Providence of the Father

Providence of Jesus

Providence of the Holy Spirit

Providence of the Holy Trinity

Providence of Maria Santissima Addolorata

Providence of St. Joseph

Providence of the Guardian Angels

Providence of the Archangels

Providence of the Angelic Schiere

Providence of Purging Souls

Providence of the most abandoned Purging Souls

Providence of the plague dead

Providence of deaths in kidnappings

Providence of hospital deaths

Providence of the dead on the streets

Providence of deaths in concentration camps

Providence of the dead in the war

Providence of the dead in the executions

Providence of Mother Providence

Providence of the Holy Innocents

Providence of all Saints

Providence of the Martyrs

Providence of the Holy Doctors

Providence of the Holy Confessors

Providence of the Holy Priests

Providence of the Holy Bishops

Providence of the Holy Popes

Providence of Providence Works

Providence of the Saints of Providence

Mercy of us Lord, mercy

Mercy of all poor sinners, mercy

Mercy of the dying, mercy

Mercy of the elect, mercy

Mercy of all in Yours

particular and universal judgment, mercy.




O Jesus, you who said: «Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you "(Mt 7, 7), obtain Divine Providence from the Father and the Holy Spirit.

O Jesus, you who said: "All that you ask the Father in my name will grant you" (Jn 15:16), we ask your Father in your name: "Obtain Divine Providence for us".

O Jesus, you who said: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away" (Mk 13:31), I believe that I obtain Divine Providence through the work of the Holy Spirit.