Miracle in Lourdes: his leg is like new

Antonia MOULIN. Hope tied to the body ... Born April 13, 1877 in Vienna (France). Disease: Fistulitis osteitis right femur with arthritis in the knee. Healed on August 10, 1907, at 30 years old. Miracle recognized on November 6, 1911 by Bishop Paul E. Henry, bishop of Grenoble. After five days spent in Lourdes in 1905, Antonia leaves to go home without any improvement in her health. Internally, he experiences the sort of doubt and frustration that many unhealed sick people experience. What can I hope for now, after Lourdes? But, deep in his soul, hope is not dead ... His ordeal began in February 1905. At the turn of a benign disease, an abscess occurs in his right leg, severe enough to force her to stay six months in the hospital. His life then becomes an incessant coming and going between the house and the hospital. Its general state irreparably worsens. In August 1907 he left again for Lourdes, two years after his first experience. He comes to you as an incurable patient ... but with great hope. Two days after her arrival, on August 10, she is led once again to the swimming pools. When you bandage it again, you realize that your wound is healed, your leg is like "new"! On his return to the "country", it causes everyone's amazement, especially his doctor.