The miracle that most marked the history of Lourdes


It is the healing that most marked the history of Lourdes. Louis was a stone worker, who worked and lived in Lourdes. In 1858, he has been suffering for more than two years from a complete loss of vision of his right eye following a work accident that occurred in 1839 due to the explosion of a mine in a quarry. He had been irreversibly injured in the eye while his brother Joseph, present at the moment of the explosion, had been killed in the atrocious circumstances that can be imagined.
The story of the recovery was made by the doctor of Lourdes Doctor Dozous, first "medical expert" of Lourdes, who collected Louis' testimony: "As soon as Bernadette made the source that heals so many sick people flow from the soil of the Grotto, I wanted resort to it to heal my right eye. When this water was available to me, I started to pray and, turning to the Madonna della Grotta, I humbly begged her to stay with me while I washed my right eye with the water from its source ... I washed it and washed several times, in a short space of time. My right eye and my vision, after these ablutions have become what they are at this moment, excellent ".


Dear Saint Bernadette, chosen by Almighty God as the channel of his graces and blessings, through your humble obedience to the requests of Our Mother Mary, you have gained for us the miraculous waters of spiritual and physical healing.

We implore you to listen to our pleading prayers so that we can be healed of our spiritual and physical imperfections.

Put our supplications in the hands of our Holy Mother Mary, so that she may place them at the feet of her beloved Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so that He may look at us with mercy and compassion:
(expose the grace you ask for)

Help us, dear Saint Bernadette, to follow your example, so that regardless of our pain and suffering we can be attentive to the needs of others, especially those whose sufferings are greater than ours.

As we await God's mercy, we offer our pain and suffering for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for men's sins and blasphemies.

Pray for us Saint Bernadette, so that, like you, we can always be obedient to the will of our Heavenly Father, and through our prayers and our humility we can bring consolation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary who have been so gravely hurt by our sins.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us

Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

Maria, you appeared to Bernadette in the crevice of this rock.
In the cold and dark of winter,
you made the warmth of a presence feel,
light and beauty.
In the wounds and darkness of our lives,
in the divisions of the world where evil is powerful,
it brings hope
and restore confidence!

You who are the Immaculate Conception,
come to help us sinners.
Give us the humility of conversion,
the courage of penance.
Teach us to pray for all men.

Guide us to the sources of true Life.
Make us pilgrims on the journey within your Church.
Satisfy the hunger of the Eucharist in us,
the bread of the journey, the bread of Life.

In you, O Mary, the Holy Spirit has done great things:
in his power, he brought you to the Father,
in the glory of your Son, living forever.
Look with mother's love
the miseries of our body and heart.
Shine like a bright star for everyone
in the moment of death.

With Bernardetta, we pray you, o Maria,
with the simplicity of children.
Put in your mind the spirit of the Beatitudes.
Then we can, from down here, know the joy of the Kingdom
and sing with you:

Glory to you, O Virgin Mary,
blessed servant of the Lord,
Mother of God,
Temple of the Holy Spirit!
