Miracle!!! The face of Jesus appears on the Host during the Holy Mass


The news went around the world: in the village of Vilakannur, in the Kannur district of Kerala, India, in the church dedicated to Jesus the King, the face of Christ would have appeared in a host at the time of consecration. This event, however, is not the first to appear on Indian territory, it had already happened twelve years earlier in the diocese of Trivandrum.

And here we are in Vilakannur, it is morning, Holy Mass is being celebrated, suddenly, a possible divine sign is taking place: the Face of Christ appears in the Eucharist. To observe the possible apparition in disbelief, numerous people who are praying just when the priest is celebrating the consecration.

I invite you to watch the video of about a minute and a half where you can see all the details of this Eucharistic miracle.