Mirjana of Medjugorje: I tell you the most important message of Our Lady

You know that the apparitions began on June 24, 1981 and until Christmas 1982 I had them every day with the others. On Christmas day 82 I received the last secret, and Our Lady told me that I will no longer have apparitions every day. She said: “Once a year, every March 18th, and that I will have this apparition for a lifetime. She also said that I will have extraordinary apparitions, and these apparitions began on August 2, 1987, and they last even now - like yesterday - and I don't know how long I will have these apparitions. Because these apparitions every 2nd of the month are prayer for non-believers. Except that Madonna never says "non-believers". She always says: "Those who have not known the love of God". And she asks for our help. When Our Lady says "ours", she does not think only of us six seers, she thinks of all her children, of all those who feel she is a mother. Because Our Lady says that we can change non-believers, but with our prayer and our example. She wants us to put them first in our daily prayers, because Our Lady says that the many bad things that happen in the world, especially today, such as wars, separations, suicides, drugs, abortions, all this comes to us from non-believers. And he says: "My children, when you pray for them, you pray for yourself and for your future".

You also ask for our example. She doesn't want us to go around and preach, she wants us to talk with our lives. That unbelievers can see in us God, and the love of God. I ask you with all my heart that this thing you take as a very serious thing, because if you could only see once the tears that Madonna has on her face for non-believers, I am sure you would pray wholeheartedly. Because Our Lady says that this time that we live is a time of decisions, and she says that there is on us that we say that we are children of the Lord, a great responsibility. When Our Lady says: "Pray for non-believers", she wants it to be done in her own way, that is, first of all, that we feel love for them, that we feel them as our brothers and sisters who are not lucky like us to know love of the Lord! And when we feel this love of the Lord we can pray for them.

Never judge! Never criticize! Never try! Simply love them, pray for them, set our example and put them in the hands of the Madonna. Only in this way can we do anything. Our Lady gave each of us six visionaries a task, a mission, in these apparitions. Mine is praying for non-believers, Vicka and Jacov pray for the sick, Ivan prays for young people and priests, Mary for the souls of Purgatory and Ivanka praying for the families.

But the most important message that Our Lady repeats almost always is Holy Mass. He once said to us visionaries - when we were still children - if you want to choose between seeing me (having an appearance) or going to Holy Mass, you must always choose Holy Mass, because during Holy Mass my Son is with you! In all these years of apparitions Our Lady has never said: "Pray, and I give you.", She says: "Pray that I can pray my Son for you!". Always Jesus in the first place!

Many pilgrims when they arrive here in Medjugorje think that we visionaries are privileged and that our prayers are worth more, that it is enough to say to us and Our Lady will help them. This is wrong! Because for the Madonna, as for the mother, there are no privileged children. For her we are all the same. She chose us as visionaries to give her messages, to tell us how to get all to Jesus. She also chose each of you. What about messages if she doesn't invite you too? In the message of September 2 last year you said: “Dear children, I have invited you. Open your heart! Let me enter, so that I can make you my apostles! ". Then for Our Lady, as for a mother, there are no privileged children. For her, we are all her children, and she uses us for different things. If anyone is privileged - if we want to talk about privileges - they are priests for Our Lady. I have been to Italy many times and have seen a big difference in your behavior with priests compared to ours. If a priest enters the house, we all get up. Nobody sits up and starts talking before he does this. Because through a priest, Jesus enters our house. And we must not judge whether Jesus is truly present in him or not. Our Lady always says: "God will judge them as they were as priests, but they will also judge our behavior with the priests". She says: "They don't need your judgment and criticism. They need your prayer and your love! ". Our Lady says: “If you lose respect for your priests, slowly you lose respect for the Church and then for the Lord. This is why I always ask pilgrims, when they arrive here in Medjugorje: “Please, when you return to your parishes, show others how to behave with priests! You who have been here at the school of Our Lady, you must give the example of the respect and love we owe to our priests, together with our prayers ". For this I pray with all my heart! I'm sorry I can't explain more to you. It is very important in our time that we return to the respect that there was for priests, and that you have forgotten, and that love of prayer ... Because it is very easy to criticize someone ... but a Christian does not criticize! One who loves Jesus, does not criticize! He takes the rosary and prays for his brother! This is not easy!