Mirjana, the visionary of Medjugorje: "this is what the Madonna is like"

To a priest who asked her about the beauty of the Madonna, Mirjana replied: “To describe the beauty of the Madonna is impossible. It is not only beauty, it is also light. You can see that you live in another life. There are no problems, no worries, but only tranquility. He becomes sad when he speaks of sin and unbelievers: and he also means those who go to church, but who do not have an open heart to God, do not live the faith. And to everyone he says: “Don't think that you are good and the other bad. Rather, think that you are not good either. "


Jesus said to his disciples: "These are the words I used to say to you when I was still with you: all things written about me must be fulfilled in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets and in the Psalms". Then he opened their minds to the intelligence of the Scriptures and said: "So it is written: the Christ will have to suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and in his name the conversion and forgiveness of sins will be preached to all people, starting from Jerusalem . Of this you are witnesses. And I will send upon you what my Father has promised; but you stay in the city until you are clothed with power from above. " (Lk 24, 44-49)

"Dear children! Today I thank you because you live and witness my messages with your life. Children, be strong and pray that your prayer will give you strength and joy. Only in this way will each of you be mine and I will guide you on the road to salvation. Children, pray and witness with your life my presence here. May each day be a joyful witness to God's love. Thank you for having responded to my call. " (Message, June 25, 1999)

"Prayer is the elevation of the soul to God or the request to God of convenient goods". Where do we start by praying? From the height of our pride and our will or "from the depths" (Ps 130,1) of a humble and contrite heart? It is he who humbles himself to be exalted. Humility is the foundation of prayer. "We do not even know what it is convenient to ask" (Rom 8,26:2559). Humility is the disposition necessary to receive the gift of prayer free of charge: "Man is a beggar of God". (XNUMX)

Final prayer: Lord, you invite all of us Christians to be sincere witnesses of your life and your love. Today we thank you especially for the visionaries, for their mission and the testimony they give of the messages of the Queen of Peace. We offer you all their needs and pray for each one of them, so that you will be close to them and help them grow in the experience of your Strength. We pray that through a deeper and humble prayer you can guide them towards a sincere testimony of the presence of Our Lady in this place. Amen.