What is the correct way to exchange the sign of peace at Mass?

Many Catholics confuse the meaning of the greeting of peace, which we commonly call "hug of peace" or "peace sign", during the Mass. It may happen that even priests practice it in the wrong way.

The problem is also given by the disorder caused by some faithful: many leave their places to greet the others present at Mass, also crossing the whole Church and causing noise and making the sense of the Eucharistic mystery vanish. Even some priests, at times, come down from the altar to do the same.

In relation to this, as explained on Church Pop, some bishops suggested a Benedict XVI that it would have been opportune for the greeting of peace to precede the Creed in order to avoid these disorders. For the Pope Emeritus, however, the solution lies not in modifying but in explaining this moment of the Mass.

The embrace of peace, in fact, must be given to the people around us and can also extend to those in front of us and behind us.

We must remember that this moment has the meaning of realizing what Christ asked of us before receiving Communion, that is, reconciliation with the brother, before approaching the altar.

However, if that person with whom we are not at peace is not at Mass, the "hug" can be given to others as a symbol of reconciliation.

Of course this does not replace the act of seeking reconciliation with this person in life. But, in the prime moment of the Mass, one must wish from the bottom of one's heart that peace be with one's neighbor and that he can have it with all those with whom he has had some problems.

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