Mother Speranza and the miracle that comes true in front of everyone

Many know Mother Hope for being the mystic who created the Sanctuary of Merciful Love in Collevalenza, in Umbria, also called the small Italian Lourdes for the pools found inside, which are said to have a thaumaturgical power, where the faithful can immerse themselves and ask a Grace to the Virgin for their lives.


Mother Speranza's life and the construction of the Sanctuary began with hers premiere only 12 years old, when he saw Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus who invited her to venerate and spread the Merciful Love of Jesus throughout the world. From that moment on, the mystic saw the path she would have to take, which led her to found in 1930 the Handmaids of Merciful Love and to be called Mother Speranza of Jesus.

Mother Speranza's life was characterized by numerous miraculous events, like the one in which he managed to feed five hundred people with very little food available, during which witnesses claimed to see pots that they never emptied even though food was still being served. But there is also an absolutely extraordinary prodigy that profoundly marked his life, and that few know about.

But there is another mystical wonder that has left everyone in disbelief. This miracle concerns the Sanctuary of Collevalenza, whose construction was ordered directly to the Blessed Mother Speranza by Jesus himself.


Mother Speranza and the miracle of money

The work needed Much money, which Mother Speranza, being totally poor and at the service of God, did not have. She relied completely on the Providence of the Lord, making himself an instrument in His hands, but continued to find himself faced with expenses and problems that he didn't know how to deal with. One day, the sanctuary manager asked her for the money needed for pay employees, but the nun didn't have them and so she turned to the Heavenly Father invoking His help.

And here the miracle happened. Suddenly, from above they began to drop a lot of money, divided into several packages, in the sight of numerous witnesses. It was a real miracle that surprised Mother Speranza, who thanking the Lord, collected all the money in his apron. He immediately ran to call the foreman of the workers to show him what had happened and he left me astounded. They stayed up all night to count that money together and discovered that the amount corresponded exactly to the pre-established amount for the payment for the work.

This miracle demonstrates once again that for Mother Speranza, everything was possible thanks to her total trust in the Lord and into His Providence. This prodigy is just one of many that marked the life of this extraordinary mystic, who will continue to be an example of faith and hope for all those who love her.