Natuzza Evolo had a vision of San Giuseppe Moscati clad in shining glory

Natuzza Evolo was a Calabrian mystic who was born on August 23, 1924 in Pentedattilo, in the province of Reggio Calabria. During her life, she had numerous paranormal visions and manifestations, which earned her the reputation of holiness among the faithful of southern Italy. Among her most famous mystical experiences is one in which she saw Giuseppe Moscati, an Italian physician and saint. The Calabrian mystic recounted this experience.


Natuzza was a very woman humble and discreet, who didn't like the glamor of notoriety. Telling about his mystical experience was not an act of vanity, but a way to share with others the message of peace and hope that he had received.

How Giuseppe Moscati appeared to Natuzza Evolo

When Natuzza Evolo saw Moscati, she was in a convent in the Calabria region. She was a young woman and she had just begun the path to holiness that would accompany her throughout her life.

At that moment, the mystic felt the presence of a person who offered her a cure for the pain she was currently experiencing. He was someone she knew well and who had always supported her through difficult times in her life, he was the shining figure of Giuseppe Moscati.


Moscati, in fact, is a saint much loved in Southern Italy and his figure represents the social recovery of the poorest sections of society, as well as being an example of goodness.

Moscati appeared to Natuzza Evolo as a human figure covered in light. He was surrounded by a bright and diffused aura that emanated peace and serenity. The figure was well defined and recognizable: his face, arms, legs, his whole body was visible. Natuzza Evolo, seeing him like this and sensing his presence, was deeply affected. She began talking to him, asking for help and comfort. Moscati answered her prayers, giving Natuzza the strength to continue her work as a religious.